
Another Freebie: Mount & Blade to promote their new Sale. As it seems Witcher 2 will also be free, if you keep clicking on a button once a day for the next seven days.
In other news, "This War of Mine" is coming to gog.com ! Already feard it would only popup in the usual places
Looks exactly like Deadlight but with a more intriguing story. I hope there'll be more war games from this perspective.

I've read like it will be regional priced and the Mount & Blade games (same company) after the sale too, so I recommend to the Europeans here to grab the M&B-series while it's still flat prized because of the promo.
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I didn't see the stamps yesterday. Hopefully there's still time to collect enough to get free game.
I didn't see the stamps yesterday. Hopefully there's still time to collect enough to get free game.
I think its a "one stamp a day for every day of the sale" kind of thing > I don't think there are any spare stamps. But I already have The Witcher 2 in my GOG collection, so if I get it, I would be glad to gift the code to you (if you can't get in anymore).
I'm using a 10 years old pc right now, and I must admit that STEAM is almost UNUSABLE... even older games are slow or not working on this PC... even Half-Life !!!! THE FIRST ONE !!!

I tried installing it from the CD and it works great this way...

Luckily all the GOG games seems working as they used to be for this type of hardware :)
I'm using a 10 years old pc right now, and I must admit that STEAM is almost UNUSABLE... even older games are slow or not working on this PC... even Half-Life !!!! THE FIRST ONE !!!I tried installing it from the CD and it works great this way...Luckily all the GOG games seems working as they used to be for this type of hardware :)
Mostly, but Dungeon Keeper doesn't run very fluid withou keeperfx (external).

Well, it's for "Grumpy Old Gamers" and those usually have old hardware, I'm actually surprised that Gog has games without WinXp support.
I'm still a few stamps off, but it seems I have until the 25th to get all my stamps, which I should be able to do if they're one a day. Not that I have the hardware to run any Witcher game, but free is free after all.
Popped up again some time ago when the region pricing decision was hot. Still don't really understand what all the fuzz about regional pricing is about
Still don't really understand what all the fuzz about regional pricing is about
Imagine going to any kind of shop behind the next border and having to pay way more than everybody else in the same shop.

No problem for you? It's nationalistic discrimination in it's purest form.

And no, VAT has nothing to do with it, currently everybody at GoG pays the Cyprus VAT (until 2015 that is) and the difference is usually way bigger than the difference in VAT would be anyway.

Wow that came from them actually ? Talk about stepping on your own principles!
Yep and the really bad thing is their insulting sugar coating "Be happy about it, it's for getting AAA titles!".

No big title appeared of course and instead we got most of the indie games discriminatingly priced now.

The reason why Russia only has to pay a fraction of everybody else (including way poorer countries) is, that piracy is really strong there and they fear not to sell anything if it's not made really cheap.

Russia kicks the whole "Woo, piracy leads to high prices!"-argument in the face big time.
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The reason why Russia only has to pay a fraction of everybody else (including way poorer countries) is, that piracy is really strong there and they fear not to sell anything if it's not made really cheap.

Russia kicks the whole "Woo, piracy leads to high prices!"-argument in the face big time.
So we need more piracy here in germany to get decent prices at GOG? :D
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The reason why Russia only has to pay a fraction of everybody else (including way poorer countries) is, that piracy is really strong there and they fear not to sell anything if it's not made really cheap.

Russia kicks the whole "Woo, piracy leads to high prices!"-argument in the face big time.
So we need more piracy here in germany to get decent prices at GOG? :D

No Germans Europeans buying regionally priced anymore would do the trick. ;)

I don't care if they get the game by other means or not, I won't.

Look at this classic example:



DE_USD -> GAME PRICE : $26.29

US_USD -> GAME PRICE : $19.99

RU_USD -> GAME PRICE : $10.89
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by the way, Regional prices suck, but lots of people seems to have missed that interesting tidbit in GOG policies:

While our older, “back-catalog” games, and most other items, usually cost roughly the same in all currencies, some new games in our catalog may have different prices based on where you are physically located in the world In such cases, you may find that you're asked to pay a different amount than people in other regions do. However, we offer store credit, which you can use in future purchases, to make up for the price difference. Regional pricing is something that is undertaken at the request of the company for whom we are selling the game, but we do our best to go the extra mile and make it right for everyone.
it reduce the grip a little bit...
by the way, Regional prices suck, but lots of people seems to have missed that interesting tidbit in GOG policies:

While our older, “back-catalog” games, and most other items, usually cost roughly the same in all currencies, some new games in our catalog may have different prices based on where you are physically located in the world In such cases, you may find that you're asked to pay a different amount than people in other regions do. However, we offer store credit, which you can use in future purchases, to make up for the price difference. Regional pricing is something that is undertaken at the request of the company for whom we are selling the game, but we do our best to go the extra mile and make it right for everyone.
it reduce the grip a little bit...
GoG is proposing the regional pricing option to devs by standard now if you can believe some devs that are on the boards there, so they don't do anything anymore to fight it, quite the opposite as it seems.

The store credit will most likely be gone soon if you look at current events (regional pricing and fpp for a newly added game not mentioned anymore) and is not the same as the same price.

They are just making a smooth transition to the Steam model here and lie (more AAA games...) and sugar coat a bloody lot to keep the outrage at a minimum now.

The fact, that their parent company CD Project Red is selling their new games with regional pricing too now, even including "The Witcher Adventure Game" which doesn't even have a retail version as an excuse for this, is telling a lot about how they think about this whole topic regardless of their bullshit PR which has been proven false time and again.
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