Gmail Invites.

Kop_007 posted on Sep 2 2004 at 11:25 PM said:
The Daily Mirror.

Lol when ever I run out the "gmail team" give me six more. I have 5 to give out minus 1 which = 4 so the first 4 people to email me get one.
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Thats cause they didn't expect people to give them out in the same place. Its quite funny actually. E.g. I give axeman one, he gives pinkspider one, he gives spray one, he gives sam fisher one, he gi................. we're all gonna have gmail accounts soon :P
I also got 6 invites after using gmail for a few days. Obviously the invites are restocked for all accounts at the same time.
google is making everyone curious about gmail and and gives the free email service as a gift from gods. it looks like they are going to make it public soon, and this is like a marketing move. Everyone talking about their gmail account, it's like a new level of cast system. internet users with gmail and without gmail. there are just too many invites around!
I have a suspition that Google might not realease gmail. Rather use the Invite system to distribute it. Anyone else share this opinion. (p.s) I've got 6 invites if anyone wants them.
Bingo Jesus posted on Sep 3 2004 at 05:25 PM said:
I have a suspition that Google might not realease gmail. Rather use the Invite system to distribute it. Anyone else share this opinion. (p.s) I've got 6 invites if anyone wants them.
I had been thinking the same because it would cut down on the number of spammers signing up (spam accounts etc.) which are common in Hotmail.
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Do you think this gmail is fully working and safe enough to use for, say my ebay account?

I don't really know much about it, but I've read some silly article saying: don't send emails to gmail because it's "spooky"???

I'm sick of ebay emails clogging up outlook, so this is probably a good use for gmail, also, if anything does go wrong, all the info I need should be on my "my ebay" page.

Anyone had any problems with gmail at all?
Rico posted on Sep 3 2004 at 08:27 PM said:
Bingo Jesus posted on Sep 3 2004 at 05:25 PM said:
I have a suspition that Google might not realease gmail. Rather use the Invite system to distribute it. Anyone else share this opinion. (p.s) I've got 6 invites if anyone wants them.
I had been thinking the same because it would cut down on the number of spammers signing up (spam accounts etc.) which are common in Hotmail.
and would keep 50000 people from signing up to a 1GB account in thirty minutes.
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Rico posted on Sep 3 2004 at 08:27 PM said:
Bingo Jesus posted on Sep 3 2004 at 05:25 PM said:
I have a suspition that Google might not realease gmail. Rather use the Invite system to distribute it. Anyone else share this opinion. (p.s) I've got 6 invites if anyone wants them.
I had been thinking the same because it would cut down on the number of spammers signing up (spam accounts etc.) which are common in Hotmail.

Yeah i'm pretty sure thats gonna happen too... :D
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sam fisher posted on Aug 31 2004 at 11:23 PM said:
Ok I left two alone and they multiplied into 6 again :P

still need two at the end but When I boot onto linux tomorow I will send 1 to the next two emails posted here. plus one to sebastian_insua

Are you sure you sent it because I never recieved one (maybe the message landed in junk mail but I think not - cos i checked)???

send 1 to:
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