Her Knight English Patch

Aug 10, 2004
Can someone send me the english patch for Her Knight? I haven't found it when I was searching on those forums. Anyway please email it to me. The person who will email it to me will get a Gmail invite if he wish. Thanks!
Quiest posted on Aug 25 2005 at 09:58 AM said:
What`s a gmail invite?

You're joking, right? :huh:

anyways, just in case you're NOT:

gmail is a great email service offered by google (GoogleMail). It currecntly has 2528Mb of Webspace and allows you to attach files up to 10Mb. However, you can not just go there and sign up, you have to be invited by someone already a member. I also still got 50 invites in spare, I think they just shell them out nowadays.
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Horscht posted on Aug 25 2005 at 03:04 PM said:
Quiest posted on Aug 25 2005 at 09:58 AM said:
What`s a gmail invite?

You're joking, right? :huh:

anyways, just in case you're NOT:

gmail is a great email service offered by google (GoogleMail). It currecntly has 2528Mb of Webspace and allows you to attach files up to 10Mb. However, you can not just go there and sign up, you have to be invited by someone already a member. I also still got 50 invites in spare, I think they just shell them out nowadays.

Ah, GoogleMail, never used it...
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