Gigas-engine 0.7.0


*goes back to studying*
this bug has me stumped totally, i found out that i can 'stop' the frozen bug by removing the tile collision checking, or attempting to 'talk' to another entity..

however, i've commented out code all evening with both, and found the exact 'part' of each of the two aformentioned fix's which fix it, but they shouldn't.

it just doesn't make any logical sense, i would say the memory which contains the collision data is being overwritten by accident, but then how would it work fine after a cutscene?

and i tried just making a temporary 'hack' fix, by using the two lines of code from the talking attempting which fix's it, but if i place thoose 2 lines anywhere else in the code (ie - when it loads a new map) it wont fix it :P

coding works on logic, yet all logic has failed me here :P this bug may take a while to fix, as even after hours of commenting out code and trying to find it, i dunno what the hell is doing it :(
well, its fixed.. but im still a bit worried as the 'fix' doesn't make any sense what so ever.

basically on startup i was setting:

conversation_loaded = -1;

whenever this variable was -1, collision detection wouldn't work (it'd always say you've hit something), but when the variable was changed to any other number collision detection worked again.. which is why when a dialog was loaded during a cutscene i never spotted the problem.

weird thing is tho, even when i take all use of that variable out of my program (so no functions use it), it'd still make a difference when set to -1.

had sorta similar problems, where if i set one variable another gets lost (which is caused by buffer overflows), but this isnt even an array, and its an signed int so it should allow minus's.

anyway, all i did was - changed it so when the variable is created its defaulted to -1, that way i dont have to set it to -1 manually.. and everything works again now.

just very very strange, as i still see no reason at all why it happens... for now i'll just assume its a compiler bug and be happy it's working again :P

i have identical variables with a different names, and one is set to -1 right before that variable is - and they dont give me any problems :P

.... maybe i found a glitch in "the matrix"
*black cat walks past*

could you make it so there are 2 charsets?
one with 6 and one with 4 FRAMES?
caps, sry
so if there is 40 fps and 4 frames then each take a quarter a second
would be much easier
and then Gigas would recognize that some chars came from the 4 set and have them work?
that would make many games easier to make because many good char sets ( actually about all of them
and some of us just cant draw....

hiya, it was 4 to begin with but i upgraded it to 6.

once i code in the support for different sized files, i can make it detect how many frames the chatset has and adapt the timing to suit it.

so yup, i'll support 4 frames in the future - but 6 frames does look alot better in motion.
Hey Pirotic, a few more questions/suggestions perhaps... maybe youve already thought of these things too anyway...

- A jump function for the maps (ala Super Mario RPG)
- A run function (ala FF3 and most snes RPGs)
- how customizable are hot spots? (touch one, lose health, die, transport, trigger a conversation, cutscene, etc.)
- will .gif or .bmp images be supported?
- animated backgrounds during battles (like the train battle in FF3)
- zip support?
are you going to include, in later, later versions, some of your own or presinstalled graphics and tiles?

And Pirotic, if you can, send Nigel another e-mail confirming a chatboard order, paid by cash (US) It should come out to $18.38 american. I will send him cash by friday. Just make sure you specify what type of connection you want (dont they offer wire or direct connection?) and send me your address in an email to send the chatboard to (ill have it sent straight from there. Thanks a bunch man. Good luck with Gigas!
Thought id make another post, since I just actually read all the last posts from the last couple of days.

I truly hope Gigas wins in the compo. Hoestly, unless I see a 100% super SNES or 95% GEN w/sound emu, Gigas really is the most improved over time. So, so so much has been put into this program/game/hobby, its just a shame if it didnt win. Sorry about not getting back to you about the chatboard sooner. Chat board support would have been another good improvement for the compo. Anyways, good luck, and make sure to read my above post!
I dont know if gigas will win or not but it really deserve the victory : it is a powerful and wonderful engine....
I really cant wait to have RPGs for it :)

see you :lol:
Hiya, time to put this thread to sleep - created a new thread for talking about Gigas-Engine 0.7.5.

if a mod could unsticky and lock this thread that'd be great, thanks!