Gigas-engine 0.6.5 Released


Certified Guru
Feb 16, 2004
Hiya, just compiled the latest build and put it out for download.

the demo is almost identical (as usual) but the editor has been tweaked and some new functions have been added, here is the full list

Changes for 0.6.5

+ Multiple Game Support (each game just goes in its own subfolder)
+ Larger character sprite file (allows for 3 times as many characters)
+ Multiple Tilesets (infinate)
+ Improved AI (NPC Allys and Enemys will now attack each other)
+ L&R now brings up tile picker when in a layer editing mode
+ 'A' brings up hotspot subwindow as well as select
+ Attack Editor
+ Tile Animation editor
+ Hotspot Creation easier (no longer have to type in cords manually)
+ Triggers (to record key gameplay events, so conversations can change)
+ Teleport cords now relate to centre of player sprite, not top left corner.
+ Optimisations
+ Transparency Colour changed to pink

Bug Fix's for 0.6.5

+ Teleporting no longer loads the map if your already on it
+ Buffer Overflows in saving/loading routine
+ Creation of new maps more reliable
+ Flip Map function to fix mappy exported maps appearing sideways
+ Hit/Death effects are now read correctly
+ menus wont glitch anymore and stay visible when changing modes
+ Attack templates fixed (were 2 pixels too short, well spotted)
+ AI distance calculations now accurate

The file format is now finalised, so feel free to create your game as it'll be compatible with all future versions!

as always - read the readme.txt and editing guide before asking questions as they may already of been answered.

enjoy (hopefully)

you can download it here

^ edit: changed the link to a mirror, normal site down due to bandwidth issues


p.s - any GP32 sites willing to host gigas? the bandwidth is becoming to much for my humble homepage :P
I cant seem to find the 0.6.5 download at the linked page. It just seems to have the 0.6.0 download.

or am i just being blind??
Are.... Are those MY Zelda sprites?

This is much better. i better start converting the ones on my site
Pirotic posted on May 8 2004 at 03:46 PM said:
+ Buffer Overflows in saving/loading routine

Gigas seems almost as insecure as windows... Someone could make a malicious map, and put a virus on your GP32 through gigas ;)

Going to post this now....
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Deleted User posted on May 8 2004 at 04:31 PM said:
Are.... Are those MY Zelda sprites?

This is much better. i better start converting the ones on my site
i found them on the resource site, so probably :) they work well dont they
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weird stuff, not sure why my whole webspace has suddenly dropped dead, maybe the bandwidth was too much, changed the link to a mirror thanks to a friend who owns a web design business and has a few gigs spare :D

if anybody is from a GP32 site and is willing to host gigas, please get in touch - my website dropped dead last time too, stupid 100mb a day limit.
how do you actually create a new Game?

Bug : The effects option dosn't seem to do anything
Effects isnt coded in yet, ;) promised i'd get it out today so left that one out - i doubt anybody would bother with effects anyway as its very much something you add towards the end to give a game a bit more polish.

creating a new game is mentioned in the editor help, i'm going to make a 'blank' game template soon but until then just copy the demo into another folder and delete the map files, and replace the graphic files with your ones. and volla :) new game.
I have a suggestion.

A Door hotspot

Creating a door effect is quite hard. you have to do the right hotspot size for it to be realistic.

So if you coded somethng wich automatically made a small-ish hotsopt, then it would be easier.

It would also work for teleporting between maps

Whadd'ya rekon?
Mark posted on May 8 2004 at 08:51 PM said:
For some reason my mario RPG character flashes on and off, along with all the ready made characters (!!!??!!!)
did they flash on and off in the demo? or only when you tried using your own graphics?

if its the latter e-mail me your character sheet and i'll take a look to try to see why.

:P weird.
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