Gianas Return Wip


Certified Guru
Staff member
Jan 12, 2004
Salzburg, Austria
Before someone thinks we dropped the game, here are the latest WIP news from the Giana's Return homepage :)

All levels were checked again. Cosmetic fixes were made, and the one or other situation is easier to solve now. Our musician Alex is still re-working some tunes. Even if the artwork makes progress, we can't and will not tell a final release date

We probably also need one BETA-TESTER for the GP32 version very soon...
Kojote posted on Jul 28 2004 at 08:47 AM said:
Before someone thinks we dropped the game, here are the latest WIP news from the Giana's Return homepage :)

All levels were checked again. Cosmetic fixes were made, and the one or other situation is easier to solve now. Our musician Alex is still re-working some tunes. Even if the artwork makes progress, we can't and will not tell a final release date

We probably also need one BETA-TESTER for the GP32 version very soon...
Before I stated I didn´t like the music that much. I guess because it is different from the original tunes. But it has really grown on me and now I just love it! It´s great! It´s better! I am looking forward to the reworked tunes. I have become a fan!

Great that you guys find the time to develop it further! it just looks and sounds sooo damn professional! Very earie to see the same game run on my gp32 and my dc!
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good news.....

I've said it before, but will say it again, Giana's Return is easily the best homebrew/ commercial native game on the GP32!
What artwork are you currently working on? The only thing that seems to me in need of some new artwork is the tiles that Giana walks on, which could use some more variety... everything else is done very well, though.
I also think that the music for the game is very original and fitting, excepting the tune that starts at lvl 25, which seemed to me to be similar to a tune I heard earlier in the game.

You know, I've been wanting for a while to post a review of this game on , but I'm stuck at level 30 (and before that I was stuck at lvl29 for quite a while, because the collision area around the fires is just a little bigger than the fires themselves)! Damn over-sensitive enemy collision detection! ;) Please tell me it doesn't get much harder.... :(

Still, this is easily one of my favourite homebrewn games for the GP32... Although I will continue to insist (and I know that you probably won't like it) that a password system may be well and good for the PC or Dreamcast, but it doesn't work on a portable handheld gaming device that you may play where you do not have access to any paper!

EDIT: oh, yes, I could beta-test if you wanted me to. I've played through almost the whole game already, so I'd be able to notice if anything was out of the ordinary. ;)
Kojote posted on Jul 28 2004 at 09:47 AM said:
We probably also need one BETA-TESTER for the GP32 version very soon...
I would gladly provide feedback if I get to be the lucky beta-tester. (I've already dropped feedback and a minor bug report or two on the previous release, if that improves my standing :P)
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