Gianas-return Video-in-action 3


Certified Guru
Staff member
Jan 12, 2004
Salzburg, Austria
The team behind Giana's Return has released a new teaser video, this one showing an underground / cave level. Check out Youtube and leave your comments there or at the official Giana's Return page, of course you can also heavily discuss here at these boards ;)


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Looks great. Hopefully we will be able to play this soon, with no more heavy setbacks :P

The graphics look very nice, I am not a big fan of black outlines on sprites (makes them look "flat"), other than that it looks great.
Looking good as always, best of luck with this massive project! :)

Am I the only one though who finds it a bit weird that you 'fired' an artist from a homebrew game just because he was a bit careless? Give the guy a second chance, he's obviously very talented and hard working from the screenshots and videos I've seen. Anyway, I hope this works out well in the end, it looks like this year's 2nd quarter will be a very eventful one for the GP2X!
It really does look fantastic. Alot of Giana cult fanatics will be happy when this is released...myself included!
Alex. said:
Looking good as always, best of luck with this massive project! :)

Am I the only one though who finds it a bit weird that you 'fired' an artist from a homebrew game just because he was a bit careless? Give the guy a second chance, he's obviously very talented and hard working from the screenshots and videos I've seen. Anyway, I hope this works out well in the end, it looks like this year's 2nd quarter will be a very eventful one for the GP2X!
Well the tileset guy was getting some money, so it's our right to fire him if we are not happy with the output ;) Indeed Q2 is very possible, a detailed status has been posted on the main page. You may want to read it up.

Thanks for everyone else here so far for the comments, it's appreciated that people still believe in us :)
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