

Certified Guru
Nov 16, 2003
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Should be an alpha version really, but hay, it's playable, so thought I'd release a version to let you all know I'm still working on it.

Buttons used on the gp32 are A/B/Start/Select which map to the 4 buttons on the first vectrex controller. D-Pad emulates the analog stick.

It's not possible to load games yet in this version, so you'll have to play the built in game Minestorm.

EDIT: This version is most likely NOT compatible with the new BLU LCD displays (BLU+ systems)
Is the Screen flickering when there are many objects on the screen too, like on the real hw?
Seems to be doing the job! I look forward to the next release :) Do you know if it'll be able to run Protector (touch job, from what I understand of it)?
When I played it, it was oriented horizontally on the far left half of the screen.

Mine Storm rox. :)
Yes, very nice!!

If I may, I'd like to cast my vote for a vertical-oriented screen layout ... would be easier to see, IMHO.

Great job Squidge! :)
it's like impossible to move and shoot at the same time
as shoot is mapped to start
it plays good though
deffenently worth the 89 kb on the smc :p