Getting Internet without USB and Wireless?


Jan 10, 2013

I would like to save NRJ (energy) and get Internet. Time goes fast even with 10 hours battery some days.

Bit of brainstorming, would you know another way to get internet without using the wireless,  without bluetooh, and without enabling the USBHOST for USB=>RJ45 converter?

There is no way to get internet, right? - If you see another possibility, please do not hesitate. 


Pandora 1Ghz running DEBIAN SQUEEZE built up on scratch and with custom patrick's pandora scripts.
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I would like to save NRJ (energy) and get Internet. Time goes fast even with 10 hours battery some days.

Bit of brainstorming, would you know another way to get internet without using the wireless,  without bluetooh, and without enabling the USBHOST for USB=>RJ45 converter?

There is no way to get internet, right? - If you see another possibility, please do not hesitate. 


Pandora 1Ghz running DEBIAN SQUEEZE built up on scratch and with custom patrick's pandora scripts.
In theory you could also try to use the serial interface that the ext connector exposes, but data througput would be very low and you would need a PC that provides network over a serial interface.

Best choice would be to buy another battery or try a usb-battery.
If you're going to spend hours and hours researching ways to keep the internet without using USB / Wifi then you're being counter productive.
My comment was only half in jest - I remember back in the 90s you could get lots of web spider software, which basically let you download chunks of websites. If you know the sites but just want the latest to "read later", it's still an option. Obviously it doesn't really let you search on the fly etc.
You could download the internet onto an SD card
I made a PND with the Internet Data for the Repo but uploading Times for 5-6 Exobyte are 10 Years from my Connection.

But Joke byside,simply use your Android Phone with USB Cable and shareholder Internet Connection over USB. This should work.

And when USBHost taking too much energy,use the Pandora USB OTG with it.

Otg take not much Energy as the Host Port.
You can set up a CDC USB network connection through the Mini-USB port - it works without having the USB Host controller enabled, but the Host PC will be (slowly) charging the unit, anyways.

Might be a bit tricky with a Windows USB Host, though, Microsoft only supports their own RNDIS protocol, which is known to be very buggy on XP and since Vista you even need to install the driver yourself.
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If you disable the external networking hardware you will not be able to connect to an external network. Simples!
You can set up a CDC USB network connection through the Mini-USB port - it works without having the USB Host controller enabled, but the Host PC will be (slowly) charging the unit, anyways.

Might be a bit tricky with a Windows USB Host, though, Microsoft only supports their own RNDIS protocol, which is known to be very buggy on XP and since Vista you even need to install the driver yourself.

It does sounds good since I would like to sync only 2-3 Mb daily of plain text files.

Would you know if I can sync over this mini usb and reload the device during the night? 

For Instance over crontab, I can ask to start the sync at midnight over the mini usb and   it will be realoaded during the night ? 

Is it true to be possible? 

what is it? where is this connector? "In theory you could also try to use the serial interface that the ext connector exposes, bu"

Best regards
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If you are stationary you could just use a USB to Ethernet adapter together with a powered Hub. That should minimize drain on the battery ...

In principle it should even be possible to connect the Pandora to a powered USB hub with the normal USB port to use e.g. an Ethernet adapter, and also connect the mini USB to the powered Hub to load the Pandora?

(Unless the Pandora sees itself and tries to connect to itself and gets caught in some infinite loop or something like that)

I admit it sounds a lot like this idea:

Unfortunately, the page is in German. It's a laptop-self-loading cable "Use the natural power of your laptop to power it by itself" :D

By the way: just what you need ... the offline-internet:

I might get this, so I can start my car with my Pandora:

They also sell Wifi-cables and even the famous Siemens-Skyhook :lol:
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In principle it should even be possible to connect the Pandora to a powered USB hub with the normal USB port to use e.g. an Ethernet adapter, and also connect the mini USB to the powered Hub to load the Pandora?

(Unless the Pandora sees itself and tries to connect to itself and gets caught in some infinite loop or something like that)
shhhht! don't tell them the secret of the perpetual motion machine...
(Unless the Pandora sees itself and tries to connect to itself and gets caught in some infinite loop or something like that)
It does see itself and can try to connect to itself, it's one of the tests they use to verify the USB port works. ;)
You could tap into the UART coming out through the EXT connector and connect it to an IR or even laser transmitter and receiver set...

I used to have a program on my Palm Pilot that would pre-cache everything it could access from visible click points down from any given URL then display that cached 'web site' later.  It would, of course, utterly fail on anything that had any flash in it.
back in the day (okay, 2000-2003) I worked at, we had software that did exactly what you describe - cached websites (to a certain) depth offline for reading at your leisure (on train, in London tube, etc...).  It worked well for Palm and Pocket PC devices.  Then AvantGo was bought by Sybase... and the tech. disappeared.. now Sybase is bought by SAP, I doubt the source code even exists anymore.

The software tag-line was something like, "for when you have occasionally connected internet access", we were always baffled that people would assume you'd have a wireless connection all day.  Of course, nowdays.. the internet / smartphone / iPhone/iPad market assumes you'll have 3G / 4G and a big bank account to pay for all that data up/down load....

alternatively, you could try out something like this:   just make sure you've got a couple of large SD cards plugged into your Pandora  :-)
You could download the internet onto an SD card
I made a PND with the Internet Data for the Repo but uploading Times for 5-6 Exobyte are 10 Years from my Connection.
Seriously, you can look at the "wikireader" project.  It's a teensy LCD reader running on AAA batteries and holds a compressed version of Gutenberg, Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikitravel, and some other stuff on a 16gb card.  I'm sure you could fit their data files on your Pandora, and then figure out something which can read the files.  Tada!  Instant Internet content without the connection.  (Note that their files have the textual content, but no graphics.)
We already have PNDs to read Wikipedia offline (well, at least one ... forgot the name though ... maybe Goldendict supports this?)