Dead Pixels On Gp32

shinneri posted on Apr 7 2005 at 05:28 PM said:
Yes, the PSP is obviously very cheaply/poorly produced (thus the dead pixels), but isn't that true for every Sony product ever made?

As for my GP32's screen, absolutely perfect.  :D

Maybe we're just lucky, but my Wife and I have many Sony products, and so far, only my PSP shows any sign of 'defects' ... with its one lit pixel.

We :wub: Sony, and that's no baloney ;)

Oh, and to stay on-topic:

FLU (which I sold) = no dead pixels
BLU = no dead pixels
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It hadn't even crossed my mind that the gp32_console could even have dead pixels. Its that rare, I can't recall anyone ever bringing it up. Which is nice :D
All LCD products have a chance of DPs, but the producer of the screens usually dumps those with a high failure rate the higher the dump rate the more expensive they are, Sony probably accepted a higher failure rate to save money than Gamepark did resulting in the sizable difference in DPs.
craigix posted on Apr 8 2005 at 03:46 AM said:
I don't think we have ever had one out of thousands, GP might be using grade 1 screens which are dead pixel free from the factory, they could probably save some money going down sonys route.


Hey, don't go giving them any ideas, no one wants the GP32 to be as bad as PSP.
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I actually had a GP32 BLU with 1/3 of a dead pixel (red stuck on, rest of the triplet ok) and I sold it to Pulstar that posts here. Yes, I told him before I sold it to him.
My FLU = None

My BLU+ = None

I bought two psps and sold one "used" on ebay for $255. None of em has any dead pixels, but my friend bought one and it has a dead pixel (poor him). 3 of my other friends also bought psps but they didnt have any dead pixels.
I've got a GP32, five various Gameboys, a GameGear, a PC Engine GT, three various Wonderswans, a Neo Geo Pocket and a Pocket Color, a Sega Nomad, a Pocket Famicom, a PSP and a DS, and the DS is the only one I've ever had with a dead pixel, also on the touch screen. Seems to be more of an issue with the DS than the PSP. The GP screen is fine.

There is already a thread about this, here.
But since it has an unsignificant title and is rather old i don´t blame you for not searching, schaap.
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nope never had a dead pixel to date. :)

but i want to get a psp soon and it will be from japan maybe. ;) also if it had lots of dead pixels i would keep on having to send it back and forth which i could realy not be bothered with. if any one can persuade me to getting me a ds please try.... pm me
my gp32 doesnt have one...
i also have a Gameboy, Gameboy Color and DS..
the DS has one on the top screen, but i dont care it isnt anoying or something like that.

PS: i have one also on my mobile
i have the taiwanese lcd and have had no problems yet, unlike my psp withit's 8 pixels off and counting! although i have heard that the latest jap and US systems have been drastically improved
My GP has 0 deadpixels, unless you count the bottom row that act weird in most/every program (blu+).

My DS has no dead pixels until I start a game, then I get a cyan/blue pixel. :P It's obviously not a screen fault since it's fine in the start up screen etc. Weird.