Getting a tad restless.


Still Fresh
I knew I'd be waiting a while to receive my Pandora unit and I know I can wait longer; I, and many others, are still wondering when we'll receive our pre-orders. I made my order about 2 years ago and it's been a good while, but I'd like to know if there's anyway I can get an estimate to how much longer I'll have to wait.

Please...I'm in no way criticizing your work process or demeaning your hard work, time, and effort; I'm just still very excited and awaiting the day that glorious package arrives on my doorstep!

Is there any possible way to see where we are currently standing in line? If not, then I can be patient and vigilant! After all, one of the greatest forms of gratification is the one that is delayed.

Anyway, I'm still glad to see production is running smoother and things seem to be going your way just a little more.

Hope to hear some good, or great, news!

~ vAEr:JO
your queue number is meaning-less... see you in two monthstm
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