Soldier was the first one I watched and I liked it! It could have been better, but it could also have been a lot worse. I will say that it hasn't dated too well and I was surprised to see that it had been made in 1998.
I also watched Wing Commander. That was watch able, but pretty crappy and some stuff made no sense. The appeared to have put together a huge back story for it all, but that may have all been pulled from the games. I've never played them, so don't know. The best bit was seeing one of the actors from Hackers in it
That's actually it, apart from the other 2 I mentioned in my last post. I did also watch Masters Of The Universe, but that's not in the list so probably not worth me mentioning it
There are quite a few of the films people had mentioned, which I hadn't originally, that I had already seen. They are all good (apart from where mentioned

). A quick run through:
Flash Gordon - Very cool film, with an awesome soundtrack. It's a bit cheesy though and more 80's style homoerotic than Masters Of The Universe
Blade Runner
Dark City < Very cool film
Gattaca < Awesome
Outlander < Not amazing and not lame. Nicely watchable.
Soylent Green < I'll admit that I only got it because of the reference to it in Space Quest 6 B) I'll also admit that I fell asleep whilst watching it.
The Arrival < Great film.
The Fly 1/2
The Running Man
Total Recall
Some of the films I'm probably going to look into next, after finishing what I've got are:
Chrysalis < I saw this advertised on my Dante 01 DVD, along with Eden Log and have been meaning to check it out
Cube 1/2/3 < If I can find anywhere selling the DVD's! I've kept hearing about this for a few years so want to check it out.
Stranded: Náufragos
Logans Run
The Fountain
The Man From Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
Edit: Just updated the list on the frontpage. Moved a couple of films around and added the few that were mentioned since I last updated.