Your Top Five Video Game Villains of All Time


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
This just popped into my head, and I had to ask about it. In a number of types of games, you can't have a good game without a good villain or "Big Bad" - so, what are your top fives, people of the Pandora forum?

Mine are as follows;

1: Dr. Albert W. Wily (Mega Man, Classic series) - He's tenacious, he's created more robots than most other video game villains combined, he puts up a great challenge every time, and without him I wouldn't have my favourite series, so Dr. Wily has to be my number one choice here.

2: Dr. Andross (Star Fox, SNES series) - A mad scientist with telekinetic powers, who is almost successful in his two schemes to conquer the Lylat System in the original two SNES Star Fox games. He's actually kind of scary, and unlike many video game villains, he isn't really a goof-up at all.

3: King K. Rool (Donkey Kong Country series) - A big-boss type villain, who throughout the course of the series tries out various video game villain professions, from king, to pirate, to mad doctor. His plans always come undone in the end, but he has bags of personality to make up for this failing.

4: Ghadius (Klonoa - Door To Phantomile) - A genuinely frightening character who represents nightmares personified. He is vengeful and hateful, and seeks to plunge the entire world into nothing but nightmares, to get revenge for the fact that people have forgotten him - a fate that he says is worse than death.

5: Baron Dante (Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, and Croc 2) - He's a big, iron-fisted (literally!) brute with a hatred for anything cute and cheerful - namely, the fluffy and carefree little Gobbos. He meets his match in Croc, a lost crocodile who was adopted and raised by the Gobbos, but is later resurrected in a freaky voodoo ritual by his henchmen, the Dantinis.

It would have been much easier to write a top ten, rather than a top five, but I wanted to give you guys a bit of a challenge. :P Fire away!
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No Koopa or Bowser?

*waits for inevitable Sephiroth comment and the flames calling him a pussy that will follow*
top 5 in no particular order

Magus -> chrono trigger SNES - he is just a pimp

Daos Guard ->Lufia fortress of doom SNES - 4 overloads/beings/gods of distruction chaos terror and death all smooshed into one super boss

Uber Diablo ->Diablo 2 PC - you have to consecutively sell to a NPC vendor in the game one of the most sought after and rarest items in the game 100 times across the server just to have him spawn in a random game... and that's just for the chance to fight him, let alone beat him.

Horn Tail ->Maple Story PC - I've seen this boss eat parties of like 30+ people with absolutely no life at all in a single attack. How can you kill that which has no life? ... x30

EDIT: oh and you got to spend like 4 hours... per person... hunting for the items just to fight the guy... the pure logistics and inevitable failure makes him extremely high on my "poo poo list"

Bowser/king koopa -> mario series (nintendo platforms) I've personally watched that fucker die like 500 times over the course of 20+ years and he just keeps getting bigger and more ferocious in each iteration of the mario series... in mario galaxy 2 he's standing over princess peach's castle stomping on the mushroom kingdom like godzilla. I firmly believe he's unstoppable.
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No Koopa or Bowser?

*waits for inevitable Sephiroth comment and the flames calling him a pussy that will follow*

1. Sephiroth - I care not what anyone has to say about me for placing him at #1. Their main argument is going to be that "everyone says that and I'm an elitist who thinks that's wrong because blah blah blah...." The fact remains that his theme music, his descent into madness, his wanton destruction of life and his plan to destroy a whole planet are pure evil. You can fear and identify with Sephiroth at the same time. He's the villain you love to hate. You know the other reasons.

2. Liquid Snake (Metal Gear Solid) - Two words: "Dear brother...." Also insane. Insanely awesome.

3. Giygas (EarthBound) - So insane he loses control of his own powers, repeatedly telling Ness and the gang that "He's happy" while attacking you in such a way that "You cannot grasp the true form of Giygas' attack."

4. Gannon (Zelda series)

5. Mother Brain (Metroid) - because I'm out of favorite series and their respective villains.

This list subject to change at my whim.
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some of my most preferred bad guys around :)

Omega Rugal - The king of fighters 98

Orochi Iori - The king of fighters 97

M. Bison - Street Fighter II

Geese Howard - Fatal Fury Series

Amakusa - Samurai Shodown Series

dunno if these are my absolute top 5, but they are all well placed on the list :)


My personal 5.

1) Sigma - Megaman X series.

2) Gannondorf - Legend Of Zelda.

3) Nightmare - Metroid Fusion/Other M (does this count as a villain? if not then I'll put Majora/Skull Kid)

4) Andrew Ryan - Bioshock.

5) The Reapers - Mass Effect.
1. Bowser: I'm a Mario fan.

2. Rubicante: From Final Fantasy II (4 in Japan) because he left a impression on me of someone that is honorable. In the game he kinda appears out of nowhere in a dungeon, I think strategically placed somewhere where you drained of health, or at least I was, and heals you up to max BEFORE the battle. I don't know, when I was a kid it made a big impression on me. I guess that is a hero quality but you have to be more weary of villains with hero qualities than those without.

3. Praying Mantis monster on Dagobah: In the NES 'The Empire Strikes Back' it is hard getting to this boss, like really hard, but he is impossible to beat. I think out of every boss in my video game history I threw my controller as much on him as I have on every other game added together. I HATE Praying Mantises now because of him. The worst part is is he didn't need to be in the game, no where is a giant Praying Mantis monster seen in the movie. I beat him once just by luck with the light saber and died like a step after him by falling into the water. I never rented that game ever again.

4. Snake Man: From Mega Man 3. I think he looks cool and I liked his level the best out of the others in the Mega Man games. I like green also. I played his level so much I could get through the entire thing without getting hit once and beat him without getting hit.

5. Face Crab: From Half Life. Those things made me jump way more than the most common enemy in a game should have. Goombas never made me jump. It was crawling around in the dark, usually in air ducts, not wanting to waste ammo so armed with the crow bar and hearing its unmistakable mating call as it jumped for your face being seen only a split second after you hear it. The cool thing about HL was is it kept these guys relevant through the entire game, seems like I was dark crawl spaces through 99% of the game almost out of ammo. Well, out of ammo or I was stingy maybe, but I wasn't going to waste it on the MOST COMMON ENEMY IN THE GAME!
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Here is my very personal list of my top 5 villains:

5: Dr. Robotnik - Sonic (I refuse to call him Eggman)

Because that is the first real video game villain I reflected over why and how he was evil. Sure, I had run across evilness in Bowser before, but this was all new, since you got to meet him at the end of every single level. Told a story in a video game in a way I never experienced before.

4: Dark Force - Phantasy Star

He is one mean guy. And he lives in a treasure chest in the middle of a strange colony generation space ship which everyone forgot is really a ship.

3: Pyramid Head - Silent Hill 2

The most awesome embodiment of someone's dark life, love and lust ever. The fact that he stared in other games and in the movie makes me pout and frown though. I mean, he was James' private nightmare.

2: Psycho Mantis - Metal Gear Solid

He can read your mind! And he makes your controller move by the force of his awesome brain! I love the fact how he is also very meta in how he reads save files and what not. This was the first time I ever encountered something like that in a videogame, which made him instantly a favourite. Perhaps not quite as much today as then, but the memory of how much I liked him still lives on.

1: Zombies - Games, any games =D

Braiiiins... braiiiiiiins!
Wario - can he join the list? hes the only character i ever use in mario kart, so i had to have him on top.

Shang Tsung - because i enjoy a nice round of mortal kombat....FINISH HIM!

Ganondorf - this guy seems to make multiple appearances in this list, who can blame him, part of an amazing gaming series.

Kane - because the reason i spent $400 on a gfx card was because my old one couldnt play one of the command & conquer games

Mother/Girlfriend/Wife - because no matter what age you are, there always seems to be a woman that wants you to put the video games down for 5 minutes
1: Count Bleck (Super Paper Mario) - He's manages to be a quite humorous and simultaneously serious villain, with an excellent party of minions. He also manages to be a rather sympathetic character, on top of being just plain awesome.

2: Zero (Kirby series) - He has a good theme song, is somewhat scary, and gets bonus points for shooting blood in an E-rated game.

3: Fawful (Mario and Luigi series) - The way he talks is reason enough.

4: Ganon (Zelda) - For apparent invincibility

5: Lambdadelta (When They Cry sereies) - Admittedly, I haven't actually played any of the games yet.
1. Klogg (The Neverhood/Skullmonkeys) - He's positively evil.

2. Captain K. Rool (Donkey Kong Country series) - Donkey Kong was having a great time stealing princesses from mario until this evil villain came and stole his banana horde.

3. Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) - I gatta hand it to him, he's a pretty bad dude.

4. Cross-Stitch (Glover) - Yeah who remembers this game, I love this game. This guy had a pretty mean laugh.

5. Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2) - Don't quite understand this strange manikin molesting monster... but he scares me.