Get Those Space Boots On And Help Me!

craigix said:
I still think Robocop is the best scifi film of all time. It's perfect and it does not need to be remade, it works fine even now.
Robocop is an OK movie, I'll grant you that, but there are many much better examples of the genre IMO. Even in Verhoven's work I much prefer Starship Troopers. Personally I think Blade Runner, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Screamers and Minority Report are all stronger contenders for best, Silent Running too, and obviously Alien and Dark Star. I could list another dozen or more.
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fusion_power said:
The Bad news is: they really plan to do a remake. :ph34r:
The good news is that it was put on hold, and with MGM quickly running out of money, it may never be finished. We may never see another Robocop movie again.
Wait, that's bad news too! :(
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fusion_power said:
craigix said:
I still think Robocop is the best scifi film of all time. It's perfect and it does not need to be remade, it works fine even now.
The Bad news is: they really plan to do a remake. :ph34r:

Interesting Robocop Fact: Part One, german FSK 16 Version 10 Minutes cut compared to the R-Rated Version. XD
Robocop 2: over 29 (!!!) minutes cut on the FSK 16 Version compared to the german SPIO/JK Version...ouch

I also like Part 2 but I've never seen it uncut. Damn.

If you haven't seen the Criterion version of the first one, track down a torrent. It's must-see if you liked it at all. If only it would get a proper bluray release.
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Firefly/Serenity! ... Ok shouldnt be posting this (already mentioned etc), but I watched that on the weekend (=sunday, its all watchable in a day...) and now I can't get River Tam out of my head (not exactly literally :P, or whatever). The best and at the same time saddest (i got totally emotionally into it, then some hours later the end :/) thing I've watched so far. This is one of the reasons I dont watch all the stuff out there all the time.. I'm always sad at the end. Serenity _so_ needs a sequel (I mean its like the story only got started in the movie...). /me out.
craigix said:
I still think Robocop is the best scifi film of all time. It's perfect and it does not need to be remade, it works fine even now.

And the weird thing is, it's more relevant now that ever.

I bet this government would privatise the police if they could.
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Orion4874 said:
Javacat said:
I don't think you can go wrong with any series of Star Trek :P I was originally all over TNG and TOS. Then watched Enterprise when it was out and was all :wub: and have started getting into DS9 and Voyager. All of them are awesome and pwn in different ways. Just hope they come out with something new soon and not just another film based prequal to the original series :/
Not to mention the two best things to come out of Star Trek..... Seven of Nine(Voyager) and Tepal(Enterprise)!!!

What what? No love for Ezri Dax? (I'm not personally a fan of Jadzia)

I have to back up Firefly and Serenity. And definitely see the series before the movie, we can see what happens when you don't ^^
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fischju2000 said:
we can see what happens when you don't ^^
Huh? (Watched the series, then the movie, then all the extras i found :P) (Or was that not referring at me?)
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fischju2000 said:
Orion4874 said:
Javacat said:
I don't think you can go wrong with any series of Star Trek :P I was originally all over TNG and TOS. Then watched Enterprise when it was out and was all :wub: and have started getting into DS9 and Voyager. All of them are awesome and pwn in different ways. Just hope they come out with something new soon and not just another film based prequal to the original series :/
Not to mention the two best things to come out of Star Trek..... Seven of Nine(Voyager) and Tepal(Enterprise)!!!

What what? No love for Ezri Dax? (I'm not personally a fan of Jadzia)

I have to back up Firefly and Serenity. And definitely see the series before the movie, we can see what happens when you don't ^^
Not bad, I forgot about her. Although nobody beats 7of9, the phrase "built like a brick shithouse" comes to mind!!!

Other movies come to mind: War of the Worlds (original)
The Time Machine (original)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (original)
Night of the Living Dead (original)

Obviously, I love old black and white films. The remakes sucked in comparison! ;)

Some TV series as well : The Outer Limits (original series) A Twilight Zone knock off but still not bad.
Tales From the Dark Side
Tales From the Crypt
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XxionxX said:
Lexx Is available on Hulu if anyone is interested. I believe it is the entire series.

Hulu isn't available in the UK, but I guess there are ways around this.
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Been slowly going through the list from this thread over the past week. Seen a few films off of it now. A few of them have been a bit boring, or odd, but a couple have been decent. I liked Outland. THX 1138 was cool, aalthough pretty slow :/. I lol'd at the wookie reference :D
My fav so far has been The People Under The Stairs. At first I was "wtf, is this some sort of kiddies horror film!?!!???", but then really got into it and really enjoyed it.

Got about 5 or 6 more DVD's to watch then will need to go through the list again and might order a few more. I may be a little more selective next time about what I chose off of the list though ;)
YAY! I knew you would like The People Under The Stairs! An absolute classic.

Forgot to ask: Did you watch Soldier? If you did I hope you found it interesting, even if it didn't quite work as well as it could have.

And I thought Connery was great in Outland, glad you enjoyed it.

Could you tell us what other films you watched and what you thought of them? Sorry for asking you, but there are some movies on your list I haven't seen and I would be really interested in hearing your views.
Soldier was the first one I watched and I liked it! It could have been better, but it could also have been a lot worse. I will say that it hasn't dated too well and I was surprised to see that it had been made in 1998.

I also watched Wing Commander. That was watch able, but pretty crappy and some stuff made no sense. The appeared to have put together a huge back story for it all, but that may have all been pulled from the games. I've never played them, so don't know. The best bit was seeing one of the actors from Hackers in it ;)

That's actually it, apart from the other 2 I mentioned in my last post. I did also watch Masters Of The Universe, but that's not in the list so probably not worth me mentioning it :P

There are quite a few of the films people had mentioned, which I hadn't originally, that I had already seen. They are all good (apart from where mentioned ;) ). A quick run through:
Flash Gordon - Very cool film, with an awesome soundtrack. It's a bit cheesy though and more 80's style homoerotic than Masters Of The Universe ;)
Blade Runner
Dark City < Very cool film
Gattaca < Awesome
Outlander < Not amazing and not lame. Nicely watchable.
Soylent Green < I'll admit that I only got it because of the reference to it in Space Quest 6 B) I'll also admit that I fell asleep whilst watching it. :(
The Arrival < Great film.
The Fly 1/2
The Running Man
Total Recall

Some of the films I'm probably going to look into next, after finishing what I've got are:
Chrysalis < I saw this advertised on my Dante 01 DVD, along with Eden Log and have been meaning to check it out
Cube 1/2/3 < If I can find anywhere selling the DVD's! I've kept hearing about this for a few years so want to check it out.
Stranded: Náufragos
Logans Run
The Fountain
The Man From Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth

Edit: Just updated the list on the frontpage. Moved a couple of films around and added the few that were mentioned since I last updated.
The best spacey film: K-PAX. Prot was an alien. Wasn't he?
Another: Moon.

Films I'd watch over again: Stargate, Dune, Star Wars, Outland, Alien(s), Starship Troopers, Moon44, Sunshine.
may88 said:
The best spacey film: K-PAX. Prot was an alien. Wasn't he?
Another: Moon.

Wow, I was going to suggest 'Moon' but couldn't be arsed reading the tread to see if it had been mentioned.
K-PAX is one of my favourite films. Great performance by Spacey.
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As a weee update, I watched The Black Hole last night. There were some decent bits in it, but unfortunately you could tell it was a Disney film, especially with the lame robots which looked like the Henry hoovers. I'd probably have liked it more if I'd originally seen it as a child. Apparently a remake is in the works, so I might check that out whenever/if it comes out :P

Tonight I watched Ghosts Of Mars. I put it on not expecting much (due to the awful reviews), but I actually really enjoyed it! The intro seemed to be a kind of reference to Outland, with it giving all the stats about the planets inhabitants. After that it was all pretty cool, although also pretty silly but in a fun way. It reminded me of Doomsday and a ton of 80's films. Minimal brain activity required and easy viewing, but great fun and a few nice bits of gore. After seeing this and The Thing, now I want to see some more of John Carpenters films :D
Edit: Forgot to say, the one bad bit of this film was Ice Cube's awful acting

Edit2: I meant Outland, not Outpost. Keep getting those titles mixed up ¬_¬
I offer some additions. Two British TV series, and old old, films

Blakes 7 - wobbly sets, but great plot.
Star Cops - I liked Box.
Metropolis - absolute classic
The Day the Earth Stood Still - "Klaatu barada ikto"
Forbidden Planet - Robby the Robot

ETA: I missed the fact that Forbidden Planet and The Day the Earth Stood Still were already listed in the original post. Ah well. And, it turns out that it was a necrothread. I think that is a record for me: replying to a thread where the previous last posting was over 11 years ago. It is pretty amazing the forum has been around that long.
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The good news is that it was put on hold, and with MGM quickly running out of money, it may never be finished. We may never see another Robocop movie again.
Wait, that's bad news too! :(
So much for that plan, it did happen. It wasn't terrible but it omitted almost all of the anti-capitalist stuff that made the original so much fun. Also, it didn't feature a melting Michael Ironside so that's another mark against it.