Germans, Plz Help

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Magus 86

Right now, I'm playing thru Chrono Trigger in German... For those of you who are familiar with the game, I've gotten to "Der Königreich des Eifers(Kingdom of Zeal)" without any trouble... but now I'm starting to find a lot of stuff that I can't translate. I have a small pocket dictionary for English and German, but some things aren't in there. So I need some help. In case you're wondering why I'm not just playing it in English... well the answer is simple. I love the German language. That's why I took 4 years of it in Highschool. Also, I've played thru the game in English about 30 times... so I wanted to see how well I could understand the game in German and also maybe learn some stuff... Also, I know a lot of things are often lost in translation, and this seems to happen constantly when something's translated from Japanese to English... so I figured perhaps the German translation wasn't a direct copy of the English one. Most of the dialogue is the same, but there are a few differences, and I like them better. I'm trying to better understand the game though because in place of some text that's actually important, they put BS in the english version.

Whew... sorry for all that... now for the text I need translated.

"Seid willkommen, seltsame Besucher! Königin Eifer regiert dieses magische Reich(I understand everything up to here). Ihre Schönheit und Größe(I understand this... her beauty and greatness... but what's the rest of it? The only thing I can find for sucht is addiction, and I know that's not right because then there's no verb... unless ihresgleichen is a verb, but there's nothing in the dictionary for it) sucht ihresgleichen."

Thanks in advance to whoever can translate this for me. I'm sure I'll find a few other things later too. I tried playing thru this part last night but kept running into stuff I didn't know(I didn't have my dictionary handy at the time), and I had to stop playing.
"ihresgleichen" means "something that is comparable". But only for women or other "female" words (e.g. Die Königin, Die Vase, Die Krone etc.) !

-For masculine words (e.g. Der Mann, Der Besen etc.) it is "seinesgleichen"

If it says "Die Schönheit [...] der Königin sucht ihresgleichen" it means that the queen is so beautiful that searching for a comparable beauty is useless. But that doesnt necessarily mean that the queen or someone else actually searched for such beauty.
Okay, so basically it's saying that her beauty and greatness is second to none?

Also, what does Erleuchteten mean? I'm guessing enlightened or enlightened ones, or something similar to that based on the context, but I just wanna make sure... and thanks, fishbong.

bah... sorry if this gets annoying at any point... but what about überzeugung?

By the way, I would check an online translator, but they always suck.
Magus 86 posted on Jul 23 2005 at 05:10 PM said:
Okay, so basically it's saying that her beauty and greatness is second to none?

Also, what does Erleuchteten mean? I'm guessing enlightened or enlightened ones, or something similar to that based on the context, but I just wanna make sure... and thanks, fishbong.

bah... sorry if this gets annoying at any point... but what about überzeugung?

By the way, I would check an online translator, but they always suck.

Second to none? Now this I don`t understand...
It simply means there is no one more beautiful than her.

Your translation for Erleuchteten is right, don`t know if it also can be the Illuminated...
I would say, clever people, people with odeas, chosen ones, kinda that meaning.

Don`t know how I could translate Überzeugung, I think it`s conviction in english, something you stand in for, like being a vegetarian, or believing in god, or something.
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