General interest: What field of work are you in?

eh grave-digging in the off topic section isn't so bad.
Registered Nurse here, working for "Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust" in acute medicine at Scunthorpe Hospital.


I am a 50% owner of 'Kaleidoscope Kafe' - a restaurant slash giftshop in Coffee Bay (A rural untamed place on the Wild Coast).

I'm a Digital Artist / Designer as well. (Studied Fine Arts, Illustration, Desktop Publishing, 3D Animation)

I'm also a household renovator / Mr Fixit (Trained as a handyman, builder, and had my own painting contractors business)

I'm also a chef. (Anyone who has artistic ability and can build a house *without the need for plans* can also cook a mean meal with whatever you happen to have lying around in the cupboard).

I'm also a craftsman. What? Yes... I can make things. And they are good. And you will 'Ooooo....' at them. B)

I also suffer from a mild case of OCD. :blink:

P.s. Nothing is ever good enough - there is *always* room for improvement, and there is simply never enough time to finish anything *properly*.

P.p.s I work 7 days a week, 8 till late. And yes, x-mas, public holidays and new years are regarded as work days.

P.p.p.s I got my birthday off this year. :P

P.p.p.p.s I expect to be the 'oddest' Pandorian. ;)
I own a bar-restaurant (eetcafé) in Amsterdam.

Probably the nerdiest barowner you'll ever meet, and by the looks of one of the few future Pandora owners without a carreer in IT.

Amateur programmer crying to get out in me but I can't seem to find/make the time to really get stuck in. One of my new years resolutions though so I'll report back in a year.
I've been doing technical support over the phone for about two years now. I troubleshoot everything from cable boxes to internet connections to phone calls. Doesn't sound like a long time but when you work in a call center for your cable company 2 years is an eternity.
Still a junior in high school. I'm considering teaching someday. Perhaps US History; I like that subject, and I like discussions about it.
I don't have a steady job and can turn my hand to just about anything. This is probably why temp agencies love me because they can shove me into any situation and feel confident that I'll have the job nailed by the end of the week :D

Not worked in a full time job for about 7-8 years though due to having a slipped disc.

I currently work 1 day a week at Age Concern teaching the over 50's how to use Internet and email etc. and general use of computers.

I've been fixing computers (plus other stuff) for over 25 years and still fix them but only as a hobby now as I've got bored of people bringing their laptops to me infected with virus's and all that crap and expecting me to fix it for free :lol:
Self-employed senior software developer / architect (mostly Java). Currently contracting for an investment bank in London.
I own a bar-restaurant (eetcafé) in Amsterdam.
I hope to get a room/appartment in Amsterdam next month and I have regular nerdmeetings with some friends.

Maybe we'll come by your place to have a drink and a snack ;)