Well, being a professional developer, saying language X is too hard is like a writer saying English grammar is too hard. Making real commercial games is way way beyond whether you can write some code in whatever language. Just like writing, making a game/application isn't that hard; making a good one is the real challenge.
There are commercial games written using software like Blitz Basic, don't know how successfull they are but that's up to the design and art skills of the devs and usually not the programming skills.
That was exactly what I was saying. Although I think, C/C++ shouldn't be too hard to most developers, I was not even advocating for C/C++. All I was saying was that the challenge of making good games should be on design and art direction not on actual implementation/coding. I see millions of so-called designers, but seldom I see actually good ones, for example.
I didn't know you developed games, where can I see something you have done?
Well, I don't feel comfortable revealing my identity, but I can tell you that I work for one of the commonly mentioned companies in this board, and you shouldn't have problem finding my games, not for free though.