Genemu..... You wanted it?


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
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Well... its the news you all wanted to hear....

I've finally got the go-ahead to publicly distribute GenEmu from Zardoz Jones.

You can get it here on gp32x.

Put your roms in GPMM/GENESIS and the fxe in GPMM as usual... Bear in mind that not all roms work on it yet, but many do, and at a good speed. I suggest ghouls 'n' ghosts as a good starter....

Please help the community and Zardoz himself by adding to the compatibility list @ - don't worry about new versions coming out in the future, the script can cope with that. Thanks - Rico

And lets hope that marks the end to the most impatient period of waiting I've ever seen! :D

Cheers Zardoz and cheers one and all!
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dammit, why smd, allmost all i have are in bin format.... arggg - or will just renaming help ? :)
Wow, the speed is sluggish but alot better than the SNEs emulator.

Since this is a first release, would it be fair to assume that we can expect full speed out of this one? Like, in a decent amount of time? (The SNES one is taking forever)
Finally! Now I can see GenEmu on my GP32! :D Well, that is as soon as I get home from college that is... thank god today's a shorter college day than the others... :P :lol:
Excellent, I can't wait to finish work now.....Hmmm maybe I should ask for a half day. ;)
Zider posted on Sep 3 2003 said:
Yet another mirror, on my own 10Mbit server;
Nope, I can't get Ghouls n Ghosts to work either.

The games that do work so far are:

Revenge Of Shinobi
Streets Of Rage 2
Dick Tracy
Shadow Dancer

Btw there is a program which converts bin file to smd and vice versa. Its called Genesis rom converter.
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I have uploaded a program onto GP32 World that will allow you to convert from BIN to SMD. I have also mirrored the emulator there
Could someone tell me how good Sonic 1, 2, 3 and Knuckles games are in terms of speed and smoothness? I'm dying to try this out but I cant until 1:30-2pm and right now it isnt even 11am yet :(
Well i have tested sonic 1 & 2 and sf2 turbo so far and they all work!
The games run around 23fps, sf2t has some grapical glitches but runs okay. Sonic 1 & 2 run great, there is only some garbage at the right of the screen. So the speed and smoothness are really nice for a first release!