Newbie, Sorry To Ask......


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2005

Got my BLU todagy. I must say I am a complete novice when it comes to emulating, a few mame files and speccy stuff. But that's it. But really want to get to grips with this thing, I am keen, and willing to learn but....

I haven't a clue. I've spent all day searching the boards, found Guyfawlkes newbie guides etc. but my GP manager is different to theirs...

I bought the unit from GBAx, came with lots of nice stuff, plus a cd from Craig with all the emulators and free games. I connected the unit to the pc, eventually it believed that I had done so, and I installed the mp3 player, cinema, text viewer and so on. I then dragged some files over to the GPMM folder, (.fxe files), and tried them. The homebrew games like darts and pinball work ok, straight from the menu on the unit. But I've got loads of doom files on the cd. I stuck them all on (in the GPMM folder), and then tried. Some said they would load and nothing happened, some just said I had no wad, no doom for me! I put a file called wad in the GPMM folder. Should I make subfolders?

Then I tried the snes emulator (DRmed...?), I found a .bin file, put it in the GPMM folder, and tried it-it said it couldn't find it? DO I need subfolders here (the read me file told me to put roms into the GPMM/GENISES folder, I haven't got one, tried to make one, but it still couldn't find it?

I know I have a nerve to ask these questions, but I have spent all day searching the boards, and none of the info seems to relate to my unit. Ii really wanna get to grips, but fear I have bought a strange looking MP3 player (these work great!!!!)

Cheers, and sorry again, just feel so thick!

Im not sure about how to help you with the doom but i can help you with the mega drive emu i think :P Create a file called DRMD in gpmm and put your romlist menuopts sunset 1.svo and alladi 1svo in it then put your drmd.fxe in the gpmm and create a file called genesis and put your roms in that and fingers crossed itll work ;)
Wow, that was quick! Thanks for the reply!

You all seem to recommend the card reader rather than the GP manager software, is this right...?

And the GP32 doesn't play mpegs, does it....?

Sorry in advance, humble grovel..


Just read the text files which come with the programs to see how to set them up:


wad files in GAME/DOOM

doom.fxe in GPMM


Just put the drmd.fxe file in GPMM and put your roms in GPMM/GENESIS and it sets itself up when you run it.

You can make the GP32 mount as a card reader with GPdrive, worth trying before using a real card reader.

Im not sure about how to help you with the doom but i can help you with the mega drive emu i think :P Create a file called DRMD in gpmm and put your romlist menuopts sunset 1.svo and alladi 1svo in it then put your drmd.fxe in the gpmm and create a file called genesis and put your roms in that and fingers crossed itll work ;)

Sorry, replied before I read your post and am still confused ( :blink: ). I don't understand what romlist menuopts sunset 1.svo and alladi 1svo are...?

Yes, I am thick....

Ta again

Just read the text files which come with the programs to see how to set them up:


wad files in GAME/DOOM

doom.fxe in GPMM


Just put the drmd.fxe file in GPMM and put your roms in GPMM/GENESIS and it sets itself up when you run it.



It works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I'm impressed............

Many thanks, I'll always read ALL the read me files.....

Cheers again

Put the genesis roms in GPMM\GENESIS
And next time RTFM ;)


But thanks, DRMD found the snes file, almost played it, but didn't. I'll try super mario world...

So many thanks for the help!

drmd isnt a snes emu.... its a sega genesis/megadrive emu
oh and rtfm= read the fucking manual, i also sugest you that

Thanks for alllthe help, getting to grips now. But my unit has a big fat white/grey stripe at the tope of the screen. I've read the thread on this, does this mean it's faulty? Have I gotta send it back to you....???? :( :(

Fingers crossed...
lubidog posted on Feb 23 2005 at 02:47 PM said:

Thanks for alllthe help, getting to grips now. But my unit has a big fat white/grey stripe at the tope of the screen. I've read the thread on this, does this mean it's faulty? Have I gotta send it back to you....???? :( :(

Fingers crossed...

it's a blu+ unit, look for software made specifically for blu+ units
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it's a blu+ unit, look for software made specifically for blu+ units

Does this apply to the Emulators? Is there a DRMD emulator just for BLU+?

And I deserve the earlier comment. 'bout the manuals. But soon, I won't ask any questions.

Am so grateful...

lubidog posted on Feb 23 2005 at 08:05 PM said:
it's a blu+ unit, look for software made specifically for blu+ units

Does this apply to the Emulators? Is there a DRMD emulator just for BLU+?

And I deserve the earlier comment. 'bout the manuals. But soon, I won't ask any questions.

Am so grateful...


Blu is the originl backlit unit with samsung sreen - BLU+ have a taiwanese screen if you play with the wrong setting you will getr a grey bar...

in DrMD change the screen option from samsung to taiwanese...

also look at the clock settings and check that they arnt set too high - try 133mhz then 144mhz if it works ok (unless you bought the guarenteed 166 unit from craig!

before you get stuck in to the emu's have you tried running some of the freeware games - smashgp etc - you may find them easyer to cope with at first!

sPaCe :ph34r:
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in DrMD change the screen option from samsung to taiwanese...

I am so happy that works...........#

Can't thank you all enuff..... :ph34r:
lubidog posted on Feb 23 2005 at 08:40 PM said:
I am so happy that works...........#

Can't thank you all enuff..... :ph34r:

arrr shucks mam - we was only doing our job! B)

p.s. if you need to quote - there is a button on the bottom right of the message that does it for you - then just leave the gibberish and post below!

sPaCe :ph34r:
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Using quotes isn`t quite your thing :D

Sorry, but it`s funny...

If you really read around the board you should have known of blu+, if you would read the text files that come with the emus, you should have been able to figure out what DRMD is and how to use it... same with Doom...

Oh and there is a thing called edit button, try using it :o

Sorry, don`t want to piss you off, welcome to the community :lol:
Quiest posted on Feb 23 2005 at 09:21 PM said:
Using quotes isn`t quite your thing :D

Sorry, but it`s funny...

If you really read around the board you should have known of blu+, if you would read the text files that come with the emus, you should have been able to figure out what DRMD is and how to use it... same with Doom...

Oh and there is a thing called edit button, try using it :o

Sorry, don`t want to piss you off, welcome to the community :lol:

Not pissed off at all! Very grateful for the help. So far I've played quake, doom a ruck of mega drive games...

Very happy with my new toy!!!

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Well, be sure to try the quake and the beats of rage ports as well, they are really good (if you like Doom, you`ll Quake :D )

There is so much to do with this little thing... B)