GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

Decided to add another incentive to the special edition boosting storage from 4GB to 8GB for the Special Edition along with the sneak peek section on the website once it goes live later this week.

Wow! Go for 16 or 32GB...may as well, because memory is getting cheaper and cheaper.
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You know what so be it I can't do 32GB or 64GB that would just not be feasible cost wise but you asked for it and I shall grant it for the special editions 512MB Ram 16GB Internal Storage and sneak peek section exclusively for the people who get the GCW-Zero Special Edition. Status of orders so far for the GCW-Zero Special Edition 20 out of 100 come on people get yours while they are still available this is a one time thing the standard model will be 256MB and 4GB.

I can't provide incentive more then that for the special edition other then 10 of the lucky 100 will get signatures of all the development team on their console along with mention of there support for this console in the documentation or the about screen that has not been determined as of yet and all supports will get mention and gratitude on a special page on the website.

To answer other question yes we are in talks on licensing the HDMI and working out details trying to get those cost lowered as this is an open source project.
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You know what so be it I can't do 32GB or 64GB that would just not be feasible cost wise but you asked for it and I shall grant it for the special editions 512MB Ram 16GB Internal Storage and sneak peek section exclusively for the people who get the GCW-Zero Special Edition. Status of orders so far for the GCW-Zero Special Edition 20 out of 100 come on people get yours while they are still available this is a one time thing the standard model will be 256MB and 4GB.

I can't provide incentive more then that for the special edition other then 10 of the lucky 100 will get signatures of all the development team on their console along with mention of there support for this console in the documentation or the about screen that has not been determined as of yet and all supports will get mention and gratitude on a special page on the website.

To answer other question yes we are in talks on licensing the HDMI and working out details trying to get those cost lowered as this is an open source project.
Good news indeed.did I read it right that the screen type has yet to be decided? Capacitive touchscreen would be my preference.I will post about the Gcw on some other forums.the atari and amiga forums are a good place to post.Off I go to amiga.org.
He means the about licence screen you know the small print thank you Justin this thing just gets better and better I am even thinking of buying two now one black one white.
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what kinda battery life are these looking at?

2800mAh battery @ 800mhz

I'm guessing 4-5 hours?

EDIT: Does it have a user-replaceable battery? How much/hard would it be to add that or is it too late?
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That's a very good question I wanted to know as well also I think I nice skin case would be a good idea for 100 preorder this would temp anyone it would me but I have preordered anyway keep up the great work.
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I posted on amigaworld.net about the GCW and someone raised the following point:-I don't see the point also to make a special offer for 512MB and 16GB internal (first 100) then 256MB and 4GB how can developer take advantage of more RAM for only 100 persons:- Is this a valid point? Im just giving constructive feedback here.
I posted on amigaworld.net about the GCW and someone raised the following point:-I don't see the point also to make a special offer for 512MB and 16GB internal (first 100) then 256MB and 4GB how can developer take advantage of more RAM for only 100 persons:- Is this a valid point? Im just giving constructive feedback here.

All companies at one time or another make special editions of there products look at Xbox they have made like 4 or five special editions with more hard drive etc.
I posted on amigaworld.net about the GCW and someone raised the following point:-I don't see the point also to make a special offer for 512MB and 16GB internal (first 100) then 256MB and 4GB how can developer take advantage of more RAM for only 100 persons:- Is this a valid point? Im just giving constructive feedback here.

All companies at one time or another make special editions of there products look at Xbox they have made like 4 or five special editions with more hard drive etc.
I don't doubt it and im happy to be recieving a special edition model.It might make web browsing faster etc.Looking forward to your website launch.
I can see the pandora is getting a bump in specs as well I wounder if it's in response to the GCW specs as technically GCW was is powerfuller than the pandora but Pandora is at 7 times the cost this just shows what value for money the GCW is I think I am sticking with my GCW thank you very much.
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I can see the pandora is getting a bump in specs as well I wounder if it's in response to the GCW specs as technically GCW was is powerfuller than the pandora but Pandora is at 7 times the cost this just shows what value for money the GCW is I think I am sticking with my GCW thank you very much.
No the faster soc in the new pandora was talked about ages ago ie 18 months ago or more but yes the GCW zero looks like good value for money.I have ordered both so im sorted.
technically GCW was is powerfuller than the pandora
Higher clock speed doesn't equal better. It's a less powerful CPU that I recall Exophase once mentioning could only do half the instructions per clock cycle. If I remember that correctly (which I probably didn't, to be fair, I make many mistakes, but I'm sure it was something like that) the GCW running at 800Mhz has about the same power as the Pandora running at 400Mhz. More or less, for certain values of "more" and "less".
Comparing the GCW-Zero and Pandora is like comparing apples and oranges they both have their purposes and the Pandora has it's qualities just as the Zero does so I can see that the Pandora does numerous things better then the Zero and the Zero like wise to the Pandora.