Gbax Release Date


Oct 4, 2005
From GBAX website:

"Oct 2nd: First final units arrive on the 4th, for more on current GP2X homebrew dev check"

am I to assume this means they're arriving on Nov 4th? or are they really arriving, uhm today???

last I heard news-wise GBAX IS supposed to be receiving the first batch exclusively a couple of weeks before the rest of the distributors, which are advertizing as getting units in at the end of the month.

However, it sounds like the unit is still going through testing?

According to the official website,
" GPX2 will be launched in late Oct and shipped in early Nov in Europe,USA and Asia."

So, I am assuming GBAX meant Nov 4th (otherwise would see the boards going crazy at this point), but does this mean that all the distributors are getting units at the same time?

Also, noticed that importing from UK (with standard international shipping) is actually $3.23 cheaper than buying from the USA retailer with standard domestic shipping- b/c of the exchange rate I guess. Probably get the one from the USA retailer sooner, if both are receiving units at the same time though.
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Speaking of release dates....
found this website:

Google's korean translation is rough and still in beta, so most of it is hard to understand, but the one piece of info that stood out:

"it was decided at November 15th when the formal date of issue of GP2X ' comes" (I assume they mean that Nov 15th is the "official" (formal) launch date)

Does this mean that thats when the first units will ship? Or just from the Korean distributor? (Please let GBAX ship sooner :D )

According to GBAX, shouldnt the first pre-order units ship out around Oct 18th, if beta testing goes well? (assuming two weeks to the day for beta, realistically shipping out more like the 21st or the 24th, I'd imagine)

Or will I have to wait over another month for my GP2X? :o

*tries to wait patiently for his GP2X to arrive*
Hopefully they ship to us before the end of this month... although an official word on the battery issues mentioned in this forum would be helpfull...
The only thing we know about the battery issue is that none of the preview units use them, it's probably not worth worrying about untill GPH does.
Alpha2 posted on Oct 10 2005 at 08:07 PM said:
The only thing we know about the battery issue is that none of the preview units use them, it's probably not worth worrying about untill GPH does.

Anarchy from Harcore-Gamar it's now testing a preview unit, and although his unit still does not work with batteries, GPH already has solved this problem.

He is telling us many more things, I will try to expose some of then here (if my really bad english let me do it).
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Slowfinger posted on Oct 10 2005 at 08:16 PM said:
Anarchy from Harcore-Gamar it's now testing a preview unit, and although his unit still does not work with batteries, GPH already has solved this problem.

He is telling us many more things, I will try to expose some of then here (if my really bad english let me do it).

Yes! Please do! We're starving for new information here :)
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This it's only a rapid translate of the comments that ANARCHY from had done with the test unit he has recived 'today'. Many thanks to him for the really goob support to all the GP32 and GP2X user here in Spain.

Fresh pictures of the GP2X.

Some of the first impressions with this TEST unit are:
-It dos not work with batteries. But this problem it's already solved by GPH :).
-USB port disable by firmware (waiting a new release of the firmware).
-Stick have no 100% precision at the left (only happend at this direction). This fault looks to be already solved by GPH :).
-Sound control dos not work and the sound it's very low. Nevertheless the sound it's very good (haedphones not already tested by Anarchy).
-By now firmware does not allow to run programs directly form the SD.
-Global feeling about robustness of the unit.

GPH are planing to release a new firmware every 2 or 3 weeks with new improvements.

Sorry for my english and one more time thanks to Anarchy.
Look at the last couple of pictures of the battery metal contacts for the batteries.

*Wild Speculation*
Perhaps the metal contacts did not arrive in time for the demo units, hence why all demo units have been shown plugged in. That would explain why the problem is "fixed now" - the parts arrived and were put into the first batch of units for sale

Seems reasonable *Breathes a sigh of relief*

Now if we could just get a straight answer or solid estimate as to when the first units will ship from GBAX......