
ooh, this is nice. just put GPmenu2 on (which i had been meaning to get around to anyway) and with clocking at 200 advance wars runs at about 70%. very nice release and many congrats to the mysterious author!
Some updates. Realized I wasn't using -static in compiling and linking. Also using SDL for blitting now. Hopefully its with HWsurface. Founds lots of silly mistakes in my changes as well. Made lots of mistakes this time as well speed is now completely wrong. But it feels and sounds faster than before.
no one answered to this good new??? lol :P
But... where did you put your new version? GP2X Archive still holds an old release :unsure:
reiboul posted on Oct 20 2006 at 02:19 PM said:
no one answered to this good new??? lol :P
But... where did you put your new version? GP2X Archive still holds an old release :unsure:

.. they're all busy complaining about how shitty the new firmware is :P
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TelcoLou posted on Oct 20 2006 at 10:22 PM said:
reiboul posted on Oct 20 2006 at 02:19 PM said:
no one answered to this good new??? lol :P
But... where did you put your new version? GP2X Archive still holds an old release :unsure:

.. they're all busy complaining about how shitty the new firmware is :P

Its true that it's not quite a revolution... As a gMenu2x user i don't see any differences, no new features, but hey, wth :)

Anyway, where's this new VBA emulator?? let's test something more interresting than this bug-fixing firmware!
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He hasn't released it yet, I think .. just telling us his progress.
that's just fine, pcklee is better off releasing, let's say once a week (not compelling him lol, but he already released 4 or 5 updates since last week), instead of a daily release, so that we don't have topics full of poeple complaining and giving feedbacks about each new release :D

Ryo posted on Oct 20 2006 at 10:42 PM said:
The version that's now in the archive is marked as J. I don't remember which was the last that I had but I think it was the H.

If i'm not mistaken, it was released 3 or 4 days ago, so that may not be the new release B)
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I just tried it. It's faster!! But now there's a 2-pixel tall line of corrupt gfx along the top of the screen. Awesome update, thanks :)
I also have that line, but the speed increase makes it a nice update :).
I also couldn't leave the emu with the Y button as before, so I went for the readme:
frameskip change in game using stick-click & vol + or vol-
quit using stick-click & start
I think stick+start it's better than just Y, but I would prefer L+R+Start, why all those different combos?
xnopasaranx posted on Oct 16 2006 at 11:04 AM said:
Oh damnit!!! Why on earth is this release coming just right after I left my home for ten months and I cant upload any roms to my gp2x? Its a cruel cruel world. Kudos on the emulator, man. Looks really promising. I am looking forward to coming home in ten months and having this baby run fullspeed ;-)

You're on a computer obviously...why can't you d/l?

To bad I'm a retard and have no idea where to put the code for this emu...someone said gmenu2X...maybe I should finally try it.
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Ryo posted on Oct 20 2006 at 11:13 PM said:
I also have that line, but the speed increase makes it a nice update :).
I also couldn't leave the emu with the Y button as before, so I went for the readme:
frameskip change in game using stick-click & vol + or vol-
quit using stick-click & start
I think stick+start it's better than just Y, but I would prefer L+R+Start, why all those different combos?
The line comes because I changed the line to line copy to SDL_BlitSurface(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect); But for the line to line copy it skips the first line. I'll try to set this with srcrect which is null at the moment.

I changed to stick-click for exit because that's in the wiki.
But I guess it doesn't really apply to emulators

My choice for the frameskip is quite bad cause its really hard to press stick click and vol buttons at the same time.

I would appreciate if you give your suggestions for the following
1) Quit (I can do this)
2) Change frame skip manually: up , down, autoframeskip after frameskip 0 (I can do this)
3) Select speed display :simple,detailed,simple transparent, detailed transparent, off (This is not really useful for the game but its useful for debugging) (I can do this)
4) savestates:save state 1, load state 1, save state 2, load state 2 (how many can we use?) (I can do this)

5) volume/ sound off (I don't really have any idea how to do this. Any suggestions would be welcomed)
6) menu to change settings (I don't know how to do this either)
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The stick click+vol is fine for me but it would be useful if the framskip setting was displayed onscreen as it changed ( unless it already is and I'm just blind ).
pcklee123 posted on Oct 21 2006 at 01:57 AM said:
Ryo posted on Oct 20 2006 at 11:13 PM said:
I also have that line, but the speed increase makes it a nice update :).
I also couldn't leave the emu with the Y button as before, so I went for the readme:
frameskip change in game using stick-click & vol + or vol-
quit using stick-click & start
I think stick+start it's better than just Y, but I would prefer L+R+Start, why all those different combos?
The line comes because I changed the line to line copy to SDL_BlitSurface(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect); But for the line to line copy it skips the first line. I'll try to set this with srcrect which is null at the moment.

I changed to stick-click for exit because that's in the wiki.
But I guess it doesn't really apply to emulators

My choice for the frameskip is quite bad cause its really hard to press stick click and vol buttons at the same time.

I would appreciate if you give your suggestions for the following
1) Quit (I can do this)
2) Change frame skip manually: up , down, autoframeskip after frameskip 0 (I can do this)
3) Select speed display :simple,detailed,simple transparent, detailed transparent, off (This is not really useful for the game but its useful for debugging) (I can do this)
4) savestates:save state 1, load state 1, save state 2, load state 2 (how many can we use?) (I can do this)

5) volume/ sound off (I don't really have any idea how to do this. Any suggestions would be welcomed)
6) menu to change settings (I don't know how to do this either)

I would avoid stick click. D-pad users can't do it and joystick users are destroying their stick using it.

I wish that would be taken out of the wiki ;)
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Personally, as I discussed this in other threads, I find that the most user-friendly solutions would be to bring up a menu on L+R+Start, and from there you could choose to save/load/quit much like the neogeo emu.
It's really easy to press any button while holding L and R (it's not easy at all to do the same thing with stick and vol buttons).