Ryo posted on Oct 20 2006 at 11:13 PM said:
I also have that line, but the speed increase makes it a nice update
I also couldn't leave the emu with the Y button as before, so I went for the readme:
frameskip change in game using stick-click & vol + or vol-
quit using stick-click & start
I think stick+start it's better than just Y, but I would prefer L+R+Start, why all those different combos?
The line comes because I changed the line to line copy to SDL_BlitSurface(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect); But for the line to line copy it skips the first line. I'll try to set this with srcrect which is null at the moment.
I changed to stick-click for exit because that's in the wiki.
But I guess it doesn't really apply to emulators
My choice for the frameskip is quite bad cause its really hard to press stick click and vol buttons at the same time.
I would appreciate if you give your suggestions for the following
1) Quit (I can do this)
2) Change frame skip manually: up , down, autoframeskip after frameskip 0 (I can do this)
3) Select speed display :simple,detailed,simple transparent, detailed transparent, off (This is not really useful for the game but its useful for debugging) (I can do this)
4) savestates:save state 1, load state 1, save state 2, load state 2 (how many can we use?) (I can do this)
5) volume/ sound off (I don't really have any idea how to do this. Any suggestions would be welcomed)
6) menu to change settings (I don't know how to do this either)