Gba Emu

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Rico posted on Mar 2 2004 at 08:24 PM said:
Mode 7 will be supported if emulation works!
On the GBA, mode 7 is already an emulated mode, (mode 7 exist only on the SNES). Thus not need to do it

Good luck to enf65, looks like things are truly on their way :D
Errr, no. Mode 7 wasn't a mode on the SNES either - it was done pretty much the same way as on the GBA. That is, the scaling and rotation of the sprites is changed during HBlank.

This means it does not come for free: you have to emaulate the hblank emulates (unless the game does it by careful timing, then you could have real proiblems emulating it), and you have to arrange your drawing algorithms carefully so that can draw with the rotation/scaling changing during hblank. This is really quite hard to do, in my book.

This is why I'm not convinced anything will come of this project. I looked at doing an emulator this way, and decided it was too damn hard for me. Yet this bloke seems to know even less than I do.

Good look to him though.
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hehehe maybe you over thought it. :lol:

But still he may have documentation to guide him that you didnt have. The biggest problem I thought he should have is: sure he might get the bios to create a simulation of the GBAs ARM but I feel like thered be some hardware differances that would get in the way after that point and cause an emulation problem.
CU_AMiGA posted on Mar 3 2004 at 03:24 PM said:
This emulator could turn out to be a bigger mess than cow pat.
even it dont gets so advanced like some of us hope :) me too
it still is a big thing... and he allready get it to work with a game like he said.
i dont think this is a fake.. he talks to advanced..
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I am not saying he's a fake, i am just saying that it sounds as though he doesn't know what he is doing half the time. And like you said, GBA emulation is very complex. And what game did he get working? Just a demo me thinks. I would love to see any form of a GBA emulator on GP32.
i dont think this is a fake.. he talks to advanced


u don't understand whats he's talking about so that he must be right?! :huh:
CU_AMiGA posted on Mar 3 2004 at 03:42 PM said:
I would love to see any form of a GBA emulator on GP32.
There are alredy a couple which can play some commercial games........ too slow to play though.
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There's nothing wrong with a healthy bit of skeptecism, it keeps you from being dissapointed if his calims end up being too keep in mind we;re reading translations of what the guy said.

If it works Awesome but I wouldnt go downloading an entire catalog of GBA roms in anticipation just yet.
some more news :
Je viens de découvrir un nouveau petit problème    , je sais pas encore si c'est grâve, mais les instructions ldr et str se comportent différement sur gp et sur gba. En principe, quand on fait des accès mémoire sur 32 bits avec ldr ou str, l'adresse mémoire doit être un multiple de 4. Si ce n'est pas le cas, il se produit deux choses différentes sur gba et sur gp32 : sur gba, le processeur convertit l'adresse pour qu'elle soit alignée sur 4 octets, et effectue une rotation du résultat, alors que sur gp, la console ne cherche pas à comprendre et redémarre. C'est surement à cause du MMU, et dans ce cas je pourrais intercepter le problème. Ceci dit, on ne doit pas en principe faire des accès mémoires 32 bits non alignés.

- J'ai réécris la fonction qui affichait le mode3 en assembleur (en conservant la même structure) et c'est à peu près 2 fois plus rapide, donc ça vaut vachement le coup de réécrire certaine fonctions en assembleur !   

- Juste pour donner quelques chiffres, j'ai fait un petit programme sur la GBA pour afficher une image en mode3 et la déplacer (en la raffichant pixel par pixel, pas le choix en mode 3) et j'ai pu comparer la différence de vitesse entre l'émulateur et la gba : en frameskip 0, la gp est 3.5 foix plus rapide que la GBA. Ca à l'air pas mal, mais il faut prendre ce chiffre avec des pincettes vu que le mode 3 est le plus simple à émuler.

- j'ai d'autes petites news, mais là faut que je file

My "translation" :
-Ive just found another small Pb. I still dont know if its bad or not but ldr & sdr instructions are not working the same way with GP32 and GBA. Theorically, with 32bits memory acces when using ldr & sdr the memory address must be a multiple of 4. If not then the GBA convert the address to make it aligned on 4bytes and the result is rotated. The GP32 just reboot. Surely due to MMU. If it the case then I could intercept the problem. Theorically we cant make 32bits unaligned mem acces

-The mode3 routine has been rebuilt in ASM (with the same structure) and its twice the speed (ASM rocks) :)

-To give some number : I made a little soft fot GBA to display a pict in mode3 and to move it (by drawing pixel by pixel) and I compared the speed
its 3.5 the speed on the GP32 than GBA B) B) B) B)
Seems great but remember that mode3 is the easiest think to emulate :blink:

-more news but I need to leave

This is more an interpretation than a translation :p

see you :lol:
sounds cool...
and most time you know if a emu coder is just a faker in the way he talks.. they just say its near fullspeed and no details on their work..
this guy give us almost daily updates about his work. and i can understand how he wants to do it..
I really hope this is not a fake....just for a few little number of games : Sword of Mana GoldenSun and FF Tactics... :)

We will see in a month... :rolleyes:

See you :lol:
washo posted on Mar 3 2004 at 04:28 PM said:
My "translation" :
-Ive just found another small Pb. I still dont know if its bad or not but ldr & sdr instructions are not working the same way with GP32 and GBA. Theorically, with 32bits memory acces when using ldr & sdr the memory address must be a multiple of 4. If not then the GBA convert the address to make it aligned on 4bytes and the result is rotated. The GP32 just reboot. Surely due to MMU. If it the case then I could intercept the problem. Theorically we cant make 32bits unaligned mem acces
Blimey, that wasn't a problem that had occured to me. Shouldn't be much of a problem though, since it's only buggy code that should do it. And it shouldn't be too hard to trap the alignment exceptions... that's what they're for.

It sounds like he's got more done than I realised... I'll shut up now.
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if you know how to do this.. why dont contact him?
together it can just become better :)
washo posted on Mar 3 2004 at 05:56 PM said:
I really hope this is not a fake....just for a few little number of games : Sword of Mana GoldenSun and FF Tactics... :)

We will see in a month... :rolleyes:

See you :lol:
i dont think roms over 4mb will work!? or did i miss smth
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hmm he tries to get 8mb to work too..
should be possible if you put the emu in the firmware.. (but im not sure)
if not, lets see.. (for this i would do the ram upgrade, and then perhaps some shops too) lets see how this gets in the futre, and then think about bigger roms.. there are so great games which are 8mb or under that
Good you keep us posted. This emulator as well as osnes9x are the main reasons I visit gp32 sites several times per day currently :)
Sonic-NKT posted on Mar 3 2004 at 07:21 PM said:
hmm he tries to get 8mb to work too..
should be possible if you put the emu in the firmware.. (but im not sure)
if not, lets see.. (for this i would do the ram upgrade, and then perhaps some shops too) lets see how this gets in the futre, and then think about bigger roms.. there are so great games which are 8mb or under that that would be cool. A fake GBA intro screen, tap Select to go to Aquafish's fw or something, or leave it to get a list of games :)

Remember that any 5,6,7mb roms rounded up to 8mb could work if you used some sort of shrinker program to make them smaller...
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