Games Factory, klik & play, mmf. Is it possible?!

Shadow of Chaos

Active Member
Oct 8, 2003
South wales, UK.
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i was wondering if it was possible for a TGF,mmf ( multimedia fusion ), klik & play engine to be released so we can play the games we make on them on our GP32 as that would be really awesome and require less skill than making a game by coding, i love making TGF games but gave up a while ago and i think im really good at making them once i get back into it.

Anyway is it possible? i wouldnt think it would be that hard, but if it can be done we'd have loads of great 2d games on our gp32's

i dont think it would be pointless, there are some really good games out there that have been made with these programs
Hey. I was also thinking about this kind of thing. I too am a "fellow kliker" and I think it would be awesome if an engine to run MMF/TGF applications was being worked on... and since most of them only use two buttons ("Fire button 1" and "Fire button 2") Button probs wouldnt be order of the day, especially with the really simple games and apps made by it :D

One reason it would be awesome is because I am currently working on a multimedia player with Multimedia Fusion (MMF).. seeing the player in action on the GP32 would be great, even if it needs optimization first :D

Second reason would answer to the "Gp Sonic" post also on this board - Sonic games aplenty. A website called Sonic Fan Games HQ (SFGHQ) has TONS of fanmade sonic games, demos and full games made out of mostly TGF and MMF.. and lately a really good Sonic game had been coded for it (Sonic: Time Attacked by Jim Bailey if I recall correctly) was out and it kicks @r$£ :P

I dont think it will be possible for awhile yet but if it does become a possibility then GREAT!! :)
Well, someone could always give clickteam an email and ask if they'd be prepared to write a patch for TGF/CNC that made everything compile for an ARM processor with no Windows enhancements. Considering a few years back they wrote a modified MMF patch specifically for me having sent them an email pointing out various crashes, they're certainly people and not a faceless company. A new piece of kit to release for could only be a good thing, right?
Impossible! MMF et al. rely on the Windows GDI, DLLs, possibly DirectX, and more. Games are designed for larger screen resolutions and often use the keyboard. I'm not saying that we should rule out any MMF-like engine, but the effort required for Clickteam to 'port' MMF games to the GP32 would be monumental.
Hey. I was also thinking about this kind of thing. I too am a "fellow kliker" and I think it would be awesome if an engine to run MMF/TGF applications was being worked on... and since most of them only use two buttons ("Fire button 1" and "Fire button 2") Button probs wouldnt be order of the day, especially with the really simple games and apps made by it :D

One reason it would be awesome is because I am currently working on a multimedia player with Multimedia Fusion (MMF).. seeing the player in action on the GP32 would be great, even if it needs optimization first :D

Second reason would answer to the "Gp Sonic" post also on this board - Sonic games aplenty. A website called Sonic Fan Games HQ (SFGHQ) has TONS of fanmade sonic games, demos and full games made out of mostly TGF and MMF.. and lately a really good Sonic game had been coded for it (Sonic: Time Attacked by Jim Bailey if I recall correctly) was out and it kicks @r$£ :P

I dont think it will be possible for awhile yet but if it does become a possibility then GREAT!! :)
Just tried that Sonic Homebrew, I haven't been on that site in ages. It's a damn good game.
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