hmm i tested some of them:
The fastes one ive tested, also verry good sound quality through Sounblaster Emulation. (it is made for gaming) But only plays old dos games which dont use protected mode, Games like Duke Nukem 3D or Doom dont work. But i played Monkey Island 1 and 2, Monster Bash, Commander Keen 1 + 2, Wolfenstein 3D and Epic Pinball on it, they work fantastic.
I think this would be the best one to port
Bochs is a complete x86 emu, you can install every kind of system on it Linux, Windows 98 - 2000 and dos, its a bit slow... and very complex... But i think many games should work, cant test so much... I dont think thats thing is good to port!
Another Dos emulator, and not only for games like Dosbox, its very complex and its almost everything possible with this... like install windows 3.x on it or also network and so thing, but also on this protected mode games usualy dont work. Also i think its a bit slower and harder to port!
at the end, i think dosbox is the thing we or a good coder

should try.. it has allready been ported to many systems (linux windows macos beos)
here is the webpage:
the only bad thing is, that for all of them a keyboard is a must have! i dont know a way to use dos without a keyboard

so first get keyboard working and then the dosemu