Gamepark Reveals Its Xgp Running 3d Movie Clips


Still Fresh
Apr 28, 2006
This footage was taken at GAMEPARK Inc.
GAMEPARK are planning to reveal other movie clips of its products running games and movies soon.
1st clip

2nd clip

lastly, 3rd clip
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these are mini's
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Hmm very nice. The graphics from the XGP look at least as good as N64-quality. The mini is still sexy as ever :)

As always I'm a suspicious bastard, so I'll believe the 3D claims more when I see someone doing something other than walking through a simple level.
Vimacs posted on May 25 2006 at 02:43 PM said:
looks great, that quake demo seems a bit slow through, who recorded thoose?
these footage were recorded by the two employees at the GAMEPARK yesterday. The one who controlled the XGP when the footage were taken wasn't an expert Quake player so this might be the reason for what seemed a bit slow graphics. Furthermore, the game was played with walk mode, not run mode this might be the other reason for slow graphics.

If you see the XGP being controlled by a person who knows what his doing or going, and played in run mode, in terms of graphics, XGP looks just great.
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iignotus posted on May 25 2006 at 07:55 AM said:
As always I'm a suspicious bastard, so I'll believe the 3D claims more when I see someone doing something other than walking through a simple level.

My thoughts exactly.

Mini looks good though.....
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awakenjsy posted on May 25 2006 at 08:12 AM said:
Vimacs posted on May 25 2006 at 02:43 PM said:
looks great, that quake demo seems a bit slow through, who recorded thoose?
these footage were recorded by the two employees at the GAMEPARK yesterday. The one who controlled the XGP when the footage were taken wasn't an expert Quake player so this might be the reason for what seemed a bit slow graphics. Furthermore, the game was played with walk mode, not run mode this might be the other reason for slow graphics.

If you see the XGP being controlled by a person who knows what his doing or going, and played in run mode, in terms of graphics, XGP looks just great.

Compared to the 3D that I have seen on the PSP the XGP looks pretty weak. Since the screen and analog make it a poor choice for emulators compared to the GP2X and others it will have to rely on its 3D capability to survive. Looks like it had a long road ahead to catch up to the PSP or even DS as far as 3D goes..
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every time i'm looking at the XGP it looks to me as if gp2x was just a test product and XGP is a real console and that all this Gamepark division into Gamepark Holdings and Gamepark was just a show off. I don't mean to offend someone it's just these consoles are soo similiar.
BTW, is that MagicEyes logo on the movies, the logo of the chipset in GP2X?
kardasan posted on May 25 2006 at 06:53 PM said:
BTW, is that MagicEyes logo on the movies, the logo of the chipset in GP2X?
The chipset is more than likely the Vrender3D which is made by MagicEyes (they who make the MMSP2 in our beloved). 3D specs:
3D Graphics GTE (Geometric Transform Engine)
4 Floating Vector Engine.
 - Based on 24bit Floating Point
 - Floating Point Adder
 - Floating Point Multiplier
 - Floating Point Divider
 - Floating Point Reciprocal
64 Depth Program Memory
16 Vectors Input Register
16 Vectors Constant Value Register
32 Vectors General Purpose Register
World / Camera Transform
Beizier Curve Algorithm, Vertex Interpolation
 - Ambient Light
 - Point Light
 - Directional Light
Clipping by 5 Planes

3D Graphics Rasterizer
Sub-Texel Accuracy
Sub-Pixel Accuracy
 - 2x2 Sub-pixel Accuracy
Perspective Corrected Texture Mapping
 - Color Format : 4 / 8 / 16 Formats
 - Adaptive Bi-linear Filtering
 - DXTC Compatible Texture Compression
 - Use MPEG Video Texture
 - Multi-Texture
 - Support Tiled Texture mapping
 - Internal Texture Cache : 4Kbyte (64x64pixel@8bpp)
Specular/Diffuse Lighting
Support Enhanced Z-Buffer
Alpha Blending compatible with Direct3D
Hardware Dithering
FSAA ( Full Screen Anti-Aliasing ) : 2x2 Mode
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Compared to the 3D that I have seen on the PSP the XGP looks pretty weak. Since the screen and analog make it a poor choice for emulators compared to the GP2X and others it will have to rely on its 3D capability to survive. Looks like it had a long road ahead to catch up to the PSP or even DS as far as 3D goes..

kardasan posted on May 25 2006 at 01:53 PM said:
every time i'm looking at the XGP it looks to me as if gp2x was just a test product and XGP is a real console and that all this Gamepark division into Gamepark Holdings and Gamepark was just a show off. I don't mean to offend someone it's just these consoles are soo similiar.
BTW, is that MagicEyes logo on the movies, the logo of the chipset in GP2X?

If by "real console" you mean "one that relies on commercial games and the latest 3d technology" than I can see where the GP2X might seem like a minor offering. However, one misses the appeal of the GP2X with such a simplification.

This is the XGP forum, however, so I'll not belabor the point. ;)
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awakenjsy posted on May 25 2006 at 08:12 AM said:
Vimacs posted on May 25 2006 at 02:43 PM said:
looks great, that quake demo seems a bit slow through, who recorded thoose?
these footage were recorded by the two employees at the GAMEPARK yesterday. The one who controlled the XGP when the footage were taken wasn't an expert Quake player so this might be the reason for what seemed a bit slow graphics. Furthermore, the game was played with walk mode, not run mode this might be the other reason for slow graphics.

If you see the XGP being controlled by a person who knows what his doing or going, and played in run mode, in terms of graphics, XGP looks just great.

Are there really just two people working on three handhelds? I know the GP2X was developed by three people, but this still sounds a little small.
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David Beoulve posted on May 25 2006 at 09:17 PM said:

If by "real console" you mean "one that relies on commercial games and the latest 3d technology" than I can see where the GP2X might seem like a minor offering. However, one misses the appeal of the GP2X with such a simplification.

This is the XGP forum, however, so I'll not belabor the point. ;)

By the real console I meant that GP2X was made just to see how will it sell and how the whole Linux thing will work. It seems that it's working and it's driven by community itself (nothing suprising for me though).
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kardasan posted on May 25 2006 at 03:50 PM said:
By the real console I meant that GP2X was made just to see how will it sell and how the whole Linux thing will work. It seems that it's working and it's driven by community itself (nothing suprising for me though).
Given it's trickling release that has slowly (5mo?) increased and my general lack of facts, I wouldn't try to discredit that idea without being fully armed. It sounds ... sound ;) Maybe GPH doesn't have enough cash to have a big release, or maybe they can't spend much without dying horribly - and maybe they're spending just enough to get a return to survive long enough for the GP3X. Perhaps EvilDragon, DaveC or CraigX could enlighten the issue with a distributor's perspective, but other than that - it's all rampant speculation.

Edit: That said, the XGP looks interesting. I'll certainly follow its release, as I like the screen it has. The videos were certainly neat.
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I don't mind gp2x not having a big-bang release. I won't buy XGP either. It has a nice screen, but:
1) I'm in love with my GP2X (yes, my girlfriend is trying to kill me for that)
2) It seems to me that it's a waste of money to have two entertainment players at the same time (ok maybe that's just me >.>)
It wouldn't suprise me if these xgp's are exactly what the title of this thread basically says:

A couple of xgp's running movie clips of 3d games, as they've not quite got all the machine figured out yet :)

It wouldnt be the first!

Still, must agree with DaveC for once - why buy the xgp when the psp is already out and is much better? The only advantage the xgp will have is if it comes out as open source from day 1, making it easier than the psp to hack code on. (I'm thinking psp fw2.6+ here)
At the risk of being hated for posting only in agreement, I'll go ahead and do that here. I've got four well-behaved kids and a Latin wife. I can't afford every gadget I see, so it makes sense to get those that make the most economical sense and provide the biggest (and longest lasting) amount of entertainment. Enter the GP2X.
David Beoulve posted on May 25 2006 at 11:04 PM said:
At the risk of being hated for posting only in agreement, I'll go ahead and do that here. I've got four well-behaved kids and a Latin wife. I can't afford every gadget I see, so it makes sense to get those that make the most economical sense and provide the biggest (and longest lasting) amount of entertainment. Enter the GP2X.

On the other end of the spectrum, I am single and have a modest job. While I am far from rich I have low enough bills and make enough to be able to buy pretty much any shiny gadget (within reason) that catches my eye. So anyone that thinks that I am not ecstatic over these new GPs because I can't aford to buy them and it is just sour grapes is mistaken. I have the GP2X (a couple actually) , had a Z2, have a DS, PSP. I just don't see any of these Gamepark gadgets as something that fills a niche for me. Mini? Screen is way too small for me. XGP? Well I have a PSP (1.5 FW) so I can play any HB that I would want on it. If something 3D comes out that I must have I would rather buy another PSP than a XGP. It has a bigger screen and much more support, I am really not into watching movies on any of these.

So while some here are in a dither over a new device and want it for the basic reason that it is new, shiny, and has plastic molded into a shape that their brain is not bored of yet, I don't get the rabid interest. If the XGP was out now and the GP2X was comming this fall, everyone would be going mental over the GP2X ;) For me if it is emulation and/or PC ports that you want the XGP is actually a step backwards from the GP2X. The res and screen format makes playing emus at 1:1 worse because when you do the screen area is *smaller* than the GP2X. So you are forced to stretch and use blurry filters to get decent image size. And people complained about SCANLINES? Then you have the fact that you are stuck playing digital games with an analog stick. Been there done that and it sucked, at least the PSP has a d-pad. So what does the XGP offer that the others that I already own don't? Maybe a few HB 3D games and a port of quake? A few emus that run a bit smoother but are played on a stretched screen with a sloppy stick? Speed is nice but with diminished playability it ends up as a nice tech demo. If you want fast emus and dodgy control, get a PPC. If you want cutting edge 3D wizzbang graphics get a PSP or DS. For emus, ports, and general 2D Homebrew the GP2X still seems to be rather ideal at this time.
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SatanClaus posted on May 26 2006 at 04:34 AM said:
awakenjsy posted on May 25 2006 at 08:12 AM said:
Vimacs posted on May 25 2006 at 02:43 PM said:
looks great, that quake demo seems a bit slow through, who recorded thoose?
these footage were recorded by the two employees at the GAMEPARK yesterday. The one who controlled the XGP when the footage were taken wasn't an expert Quake player so this might be the reason for what seemed a bit slow graphics. Furthermore, the game was played with walk mode, not run mode this might be the other reason for slow graphics.

If you see the XGP being controlled by a person who knows what his doing or going, and played in run mode, in terms of graphics, XGP looks just great.

Are there really just two people working on three handhelds? I know the GP2X was developed by three people, but this still sounds a little small.
The video was taken by two people at GAMEPARK. There are a lot more engineers than 2 working on XGP Series

As a person who is dying to get XGP when it comes out and have seen what XGP is capable of in person, I hate to say that I agree with what DaveC has commented on XGP and PSP.
I did play few games with PSP and I loved it. I PERSONALLY think that PSP tops all the handheld game consoles out there. However, I just cannot agree with what DaveC has commented on Gp2X. To me GP2X is an unstable PMP with weak gaming support which has no decent games what-so-ever except for emul games. It’s a GP32 wannabe with Linux. But that’s only my opinion.
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