Gameboy Emulator


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2004
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Yeah i got fgb and it didnt work as well as the fsms emulator he made, its good, but seems bit slow to me. is there a better one or the fgb is the best so far.
FGB is the one to have. Try fooling around with the frameskip/sync options.
Wish? Well, you could learn to code and do it yourself ... ;)
I tried and looked at the supplied sourcecode of it. I would be able to do the changes I need (mainly a simpler menu and several frameskip-combinations to choose from), but Im too lazy to install C++ just for that. :rolleyes:

I hope rlyeh will update it someday.
unlucky posted on Apr 5 2004 at 07:13 AM said:
I wish some1 would finish off a perfect gb emulator i mean we nearly have perfect snes it just doesn't make sense
I honestly dont understand that comment at all.

I get full GB/GBC speed with fGB32 including sound.

I cant even get half speed with OS9x without sound.

it just doesn't make sense

Its simply a matter of CPU speed. Set the CPU speed in OS9x to the same CPU speed that fGB32 runs at, and there isnt a single game you can play at a decent speed even without sound. To get any decent results from OS9x you need 156 to 166 CPU speeds, and even then there are lots of games that support custom chips that dont run worth a damn even at 166. Your comparision is lacking substance.

Now if you had a fGB32 compiled to go to 166 (with the appropriate measures taken to insure everything runs at its proper rate at that high speed), then you would have lightening fast GB/GBC emulation with full sound.

Still, even at the speed its at, I havent had any problems what so ever. It may be about 95% speed but in most cases that extra %5 is unnoticeable and you can just add a frame skip to it if it bothers you so much.
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Um, yeah ... what that other guy said :lol:
I sometimes encounter games that run too fast, just adjust the frameskip/sync .. thingy...
I only use GPVGB, I think it does a bether job than the others.
No save state but save support in games work.

Can anyone tell me why I should use the other gb emulator?
fGB32 is great

But it can't run Fish Files or Lufia 3, my favorites GBC games...
no offence but if ur winging bout Fgb not running at a decent speed why dont u buy a gbc, u can pick one up for pittence these days and the games are about 50p a pop.
The only game I tried with GPvGB was one Oracle of Seasons (or was it ages?) and I got alot of graphical glitches on the top "status bar" while playing. fGB32 on the other hand plays it flawlessly. That was the only game I tried on GPvGB, and seeing as how it ran at the same speed (that I noticed) as fGB32, I saw no reason to use it since it had graphical glitches and fGB32 didnt.
Ernest posted on Apr 5 2004 at 10:13 AM said:
no offence but if ur winging bout Fgb not running at a decent speed why dont u buy a gbc, u can pick one up for pittence these days and the games are about 50p a pop.
Why have a GP32 at all?

Just buy all the machines it emulates and carry them around in a big truck!
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well, you see, the thing is that some games will run slow if they have an opening movie ( Zelda DX ) but then when you pass that, it will run at 1.66x2.0 at FS0 and framelimit on with sound, at full speed, and thats the color one

I don't know how everyone here finds Fgb full speed with sound, if you turn on Debug mode (it shows the % speed it's running at) and run some GBC games, you'll see quite a lot of games run at 60%-80%, even on frameskip 2. Plus the speed changes whenever you enter a different area with less activity, so the music sounds crap.
I use GPVGB, it seems much faster to me, plus the saves don't destroy themselves after a while. Unfortunately, it does have quite a lot of graphical glitches, and no zip support.