Game themed Xmas gifts

I've treated myself to a couple items... Cos I'm selfish :)

This jumper which is a proper knitted as Christmas jumpers should be


And this notepad, which I'll use for work.

I got Megadrive but they do Dreamcast and others too

As the recipient, my favorite game themed gifts are usually games.  When I have given gifts to a Zelda fan they included the games in the original form, sometimes with the original console if the person didn't currently own it.  In the last year I or two that included OoA, OoS, and ALttP/Four Swords carts and a GBA, and both NES games in gold carts.  Most, if not all, of these had been completed by this person already, but not in this format.  This option works for people who are mildly interested in collecting, as well as those who are most interested in playing the games.

Some things that might be fun or funny include those really cheesy, non-canon CD-i games (they probably fall into the collector realm, so I don't know how expensive it would be to pick all of that up) and some fan made games (some of which may not require any special purchases, as I can think of at least one that is in the repo, but it is nice to be able to play them as they were intended, so maybe on a cart if they are available/affordable).

I probably should have made this post sooner.