Game Reccomendations?


Active Member
May 15, 2004

can you guys reccomend some good games to play for the gp2x

something with polished graphics maybe something for the pcengine or mame as i havent really played wither systems before so im unfamiliar with most of the games

a rpg would be good i heard about dragon slayer for PCE is that any good or a game with nice colourful graphics like a platformer or action rpg

any reccomendations would be appreciated

theres a thread i posted a while back about mame and theres loads of suggestions in there, dunno about pce

thanks for that some good reccomendation sint here

anyone with PCE reccomendations looks like a good system ive got prince of persia but i get black screen after i press start game
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Neutopia I&II are the finest Zelda ripoff's you can get your hands on :)

if you are gonna try iso's

Dragon Slayer
Beyond Shadowgate
Might and Magic III
If you don't mind shooters you could try Viewpoint on mame. It looks pretty cool because it uses an isometric view:
