Game Maker

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Jul 31, 2005
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Yup, that means we might be playing games we, non-programmers, have made! :D What do you guys think?
Mark overmans is the creator of Game maker ( I think), so I asume OMars asked if Mark is interested in buying a gp2x and porting it, or leting someone else port it. :)
Draken posted on Dec 30 2005 at 07:49 PM said:
Mark overmans is the creator of Game maker ( I think), so I asume OMars asked if Mark is interested in buying a gp2x and porting it, or leting someone else port it. :)
indeed, which will never happen I guess...
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Cool now I get it!!!.........I did use game maker for a wile but got bored of looking for good sprites and slid over to spending all my time on rpg maker.

*sends email to sony*

please make a ps2 emulator for an nknown console

someone you don't know or even care about
i would like to see a "clickteams runtime" "Port" on gp2x ;-)
what would be fine ;-)
Game Maker uses a terrible render system. It has a terrible loading time/screen at the start and the applications can run very slow.

Even if Mark did make GameMaker GP2X compatible, I think I wouldn't even DARE to run the apps on my GP2X. They already did a lot of damage to my older PCs.
OMars posted on Dec 30 2005 at 02:52 PM said:
Let's just wait and see what happens. Oh and by the way, you don't have to friggin use it! :P
Well if no one wants to use it, you're probably not going to see a port of it.
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I am skeptical of a GameMaker port for a few reasons

a) Game maker scripts arent exactly limited to be constrained into a 320x240 res window. Scaling could help this, but in most cases the game maker files would have to be edited to scale the resources down manually (Solution: re-scale the resources in the games you actually want to play on the GP2X)

B) The minimum specs for Game Maker appear to be significantly higher than the specs of the GP2X, (Solution: eliminate OS overhead using HH mode, hand-optimize, and pray that you can get it playable)

c) It relies heavily on the Windows API and DirectX, and emulating these libraries will have too much overhead to be able to run on the GP2X without being a slideshow (Solution: re-write the entire GameMaker Engine to use Linux-friendly libraries)

But first and foremost, I would not hold your breath to have a port of the GameMaker engine on the GP2X because of the following quote from their website:

"The maker part is heavily based on the Windows API. This makes it rather difficult to port it to a different platform. The runner part is based on DirectX (version 8.0 at the moment to keep it compatible with most older computers). Again, this makes it difficult to port it to other platforms. Don't expect versions that can make games for e.g. hand-held devices because of the many incomptibilities."


I'd be more hopeful for a homebrew game-making utility designed to run on the GP2X, but feel free to bug Mark about it every once in a while until he responds ;)
OMars posted on Dec 30 2005 at 10:44 AM said:
Yup, that means we might be playing games we, non-programmers, have made! :D What do you guys think?

From the website:

About the Program
Game Maker is written in Delphi (version 7 at the moment). Almost all the code was written by me except for a few freeware components to read different image formats and to compress the data. The Game Maker source code is over 40.000 lines of code. The source code for the runner part is similar in size.
The maker part is heavily based on the Windows API. This makes it rather difficult to port it to a different platform. The runner part is based on DirectX (version 8.0 at the moment to keep it compatible with most older computers). Again, this makes it difficult to port it to other platforms. Don't expect versions that can make games for e.g. hand-held devices because of the many incomptibilities.

Sorry to burst your bubble :o

Oh and rico, do we just dl Fenix in the gp32 section and is there like a guide to get it working on the gp2x? I tried it on the gp32 but i dont remember what I did to do that ;P compilation!
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@BattleCattle: Nice smiley for your section number B :)

Anyway, I believe what Omars want is just very simple game development apps for noob
And I don't think that will hurt anyone :)

Though I don't like GameMaker, RPGmaker nor old Konzern series for MSX,
It might be fun for someone. :rolleyes:
I like to see what happen. Good luck, Omar.
I truthfully despise GameMaker, such a waste. -_-

Although, if you guys have ever heard of OpenZelda, (now called Open Legends) I've been talking with the devsabout porting it over to the GP2X and they have expressed some interest, although he'll have to recode all the Direct X stuff so it'll work for the 2X, it just might happen you guys.

Also, there are a lot of people who just code games for fun at places such as The Gaming Universe. ( ) Maybe you guys might be able to get some ports from those people, or maybe also some brand new games if you ask them about it.
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