Game Maker

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Didn;t we have a thread about Game maker/RPGmaker months ago before the launch? And it's just as improbable now just as it was then because of the make up of the program itself.

As much as I'd love to make games without the ability to code I really just feel it's just not going to happen anytime soon onthe 2X. Not that I have a problem with the games we've been getting lately, they are excelent but they're made by people who know what they're doing and maybe this is just the universe's way of saying thats the way it should stay. *shrug8
If your looking for a cheesy game maker ... Theres a rom for snes that does that, theres also a psx one. The can draw sprites and make simple music in both of them , but you cant import anything since they are roms :P
Dezeamon: a Shooter construction kit for the SNES there's also one for the NES never had the time or patience to sit around and redraw all the sprites though.
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