Fps Controls?


Active Member
May 15, 2004

wanted to know the best way to setup my controls

what do you gusy reccomend
stick: forward, backward, turn left, turn right
l/r: strafe left /right
stick press: weapon switch (or something else that's used seldom)
a: fire
x: jump or run
b: use
y: jump or run

but most people prefer axby in a slightly different way....
Setup controls for what?

Personally I suggest one of the following:

Stick = facing (left/right, up/down)
X = fire
A,B = strafe left/right
Y,L,R = actions (L/R good for inventories etc.)
select = quit (if not a part of menu)

OR the "shoulder-slide" variety (nicer in theory, but may not be comfortable for all users)

Stick = facing (left/right, up/down)
X = fire
L,R = strafe left/right
A,B,Y = actions
select = quit (if not a part of menu)

Anyway, that my two euro cents.
Stick left = turn left
Stick right = turn right
Y = move forward
X = move backward
A = strafe left
B = strafe right
L = fire
R = change weapon

That config works perfectly for me.
Stick left = turn left
Stick right = turn right
Y = move forward
X = move backward
A = strafe left
B = strafe right
L = fire
R = change weapon

That config works perfectly for me.

I'm more of this method when I "have to" use the sticks for an FPS (I'm a fan of wasd and the mouse), but I'd make volume up/down cycle through weapons, and the L to be secondary fire, while R is primary fire. IF the games get that complicated, that is.
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I forgot to mention up/down on the Y axis of the stick.. that would be for aiming. The stick would be entirely for aiming, the normal game buttons for movement/sidestepping, l/r for fire, and vol+/- would be for switching the weapons.
Stick left = turn left
Stick right = turn right
Y = move forward
X = move backward
A = strafe left
B = strafe right
L = fire
R = change weapon

That config works perfectly for me.

I'm more of this method when I "have to" use the sticks for an FPS (I'm a fan of wasd and the mouse), but I'd make volume up/down cycle through weapons, and the L to be secondary fire, while R is primary fire. IF the games get that complicated, that is.

This is the best method, once you have included stick up and down.
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Stick: Forward, backpedal, and strafing.

Buttons: Setup like a mouse, but inverted.

I usually map weapon cycling to the volume keys and the action button to the select key.