Foreign Community


oh em gee
Nov 15, 2005
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anyone know what the foreign communities are getting up too? specifically the koreans, i'd imagine they probaby have the 2X running everything in their house by now or something heh heh

anyone know any korean gp2x forums we could take a look at? see what kind of emu's they have going etc?
I don't think there is any korean exclusive GP2x apps


deadwee (another Korean dev like PotA, NK) made a dictionary program for Korean<->English.... It will be combined text viewer on next version..

And nothing special...if you don't want some visual novels korean translated :)
the korean scenes was surprisingly inactive for the gp32

for the gp2x there has been loads of stuff from that NK guy, but thats about it i think.....

we'll see

some guy came on the foums and explained to us that there sisnt much of a coder's scene in korea, because alot of the focus is on academic sucess, due to the war
The fact that they haven't officially released the GP2X in Korea yet might be another reason. The only units they have delivered overe there are the first 500 preorders and a lot of those are in the process of being recalled. I expect we'll hear more from the korean community when they get hold of more units.
I was living in Korea a while back and wanted to buy a GP32. I went to every game shop place that sold GBAs and flash cards and the like and nobody had even heard of it. Despite being a Korean device, the scene is much bigger worldwide and on the net and will probably remain so unless the GP2X catches on in Korea. There's a bit of a herd mentality there so if something's underground nobody wants it, but if it catches on and becomes "trendy" everybody's gotta have one. Then again, the Koreans aren't big fans of the Japanese and all the major handhelds are Japanese-made so national pride just might do it for the 2X.