Flash Gaming

Svartalf said:
Kloplop321 said:
you aparently did not do research; there is an open source(and updated) version of a flash player called GNASH; and according to how I can view it's source files here: http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/gnash/?root=gnash
I think you can recompile it..

GNASH can play many flash animations...at about 1/2 the speed of the comparable x86 flashplayer from Adobe- this is the latest stable beta, running on the same machine.

In all honesty, while it's promising, I wish people would hold back a bit before claiming it's a fix for the problems with Flash on Linux. :D

CandidStan said:
How about we all wait for the Pandora to be released, before jumping the gun on what can and cannot be done.
Heh... They'd have to get Adobe to come up with a version of flashplayer or the "Flash light" they're plugging for PDA's and smartphones- and then PAY 'em for it.

I think it's plausible to see it happen, but not likely. It's not that it can't be done- it's more of a "is it actually going to happen before the first 3k batch sells out or not" type thing. I'm of the opinion nobody's going to chunk down that kind of change and GNASH isn't QUITE there yet to fill in the gap there.

Flash Lite sucks balls, and is to be shunned by all those who hate getting those crappy joke text messages.
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CandidStan said:
Flash Lite sucks balls, and is to be shunned by all those who hate getting those crappy joke text messages.
You mean like in my sig ?.

EDIT: Oh no, Sorry, That`s Flesh Light. :rolleyes:

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trooper said:
CandidStan said:
Flash Lite sucks balls, and is to be shunned by all those who hate getting those crappy joke text messages.
You mean like in my sig ?.

EDIT: Oh no, Sorry, That`s Flesh Light. :rolleyes:


Someone didn't get the discreet model.
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God Ginrai said:
Ooh, does that mean that Quake3 is already ported to the pandora as well?[/n00b]

Do you see the flaw in your logic? It says the pandora has the POWER to handle both FireFox 3 and Quake 3, but that doesn't mean that they're already ported.
All I would want to know is if Firefox 3 would be ported before launch. That was my point, that it'd be silly if it wasn't ported by then.

And, sure, Quake 3 can probably be included too if you use that logic. I have no problem with that. :)
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Oh yeah, don't you just hate it when you make something only to find out that it's been done already?
Sphinxter said:
those games you must jerk off to every night so Chad78, rest easy

No wonder so many want your lame idiot trolling ass banned.

Is that really necessary?

don't start a flame war. please.
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javaJake said:
God Ginrai said:
Ooh, does that mean that Quake3 is already ported to the pandora as well?[/n00b]

Do you see the flaw in your logic? It says the pandora has the POWER to handle both FireFox 3 and Quake 3, but that doesn't mean that they're already ported.
All I would want to know is if Firefox 3 would be ported before launch. That was my point, that it'd be silly if it wasn't ported by then.

And, sure, Quake 3 can probably be included too if you use that logic. I have no problem with that. :)

I'm no pessimist, but I don't believe in taking things for truth that I can't substantiate. I don't want to get my hopes up thinking I'll have FireFox 3 or Quake 3, etc. on launch when it's very possible that it might not be there.

For example, Craigix and Co. guaranteed that fullspeed PS1 emulation would be possible on the handheld, but that is only becoming a reality because zodttd is porting it. Until I see a dev get behind something and claim that they will be porting it, I won't assume that I'll be getting said application or emulator anytime soon.

-God Ginrai
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it's firefox... why not just build it from source, if it's debien you should be able to get all the tools. regardless of whether it's out by the i'm going to have it and I might even put it into a .deb if I can figure out how
Hiroe said:
it's firefox... why not just build it from source, if it's debien you should be able to get all the tools. regardless of whether it's out by the i'm going to have it and I might even put it into a .deb if I can figure out how
You don't get the point I'm trying to make. If you keep assuming things are guaranteed or that they are already ported just because it was mentioned that it was possible, then sooner or later, it's going to come back and bite you in the ass.

-God Ginrai
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Firefox 3 is ported because it's trivial. Craig has used it on a dev board and it made sense to be trivial anyway.

Quake 3 might not be quite trivial because of opengl es, but easy enough.
if pandora is uses the newest debian arm release we should have gnash and gimp and firefox already and other great debian armel apps/games
sindbad said:
Firefox 3 is ported because it's trivial. Craig has used it on a dev board and it made sense to be trivial anyway.

Quake 3 might not be quite trivial because of opengl es, but easy enough.
Show me the post where craigix said that he has used FireFox 3 on a Pandora dev board. Go on, find it for me.

-God Ginrai
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Look for it yourself :P Instead of arguing with me, just try it yourself. I'm sure you can find a kurobox or a nokia N8x0 around.
sindbad said:
Look for it yourself :P Instead of arguing with me, just try it yourself. I'm sure you can find a kurobox or a nokia N8x0 around.
He's having a problem reconciling the reality that if it's been done ONCE on an ARM running Linux, it's pretty much done for all of the platforms using ARM and Linux, so long as you fit in RAM and don't do screensize dependent things.


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sindbad said:
Look for it yourself :P Instead of arguing with me, just try it yourself. I'm sure you can find a kurobox or a nokia N8x0 around.
Thought kurobox were powerpc, very interesting, thanks. Don't those nokia have like 1gb of ram? Would not compare well to 128mb.
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Sphinxter said:
Thought kurobox were powerpc, very interesting, thanks.
The older ones are ppc, but the Kurobox Pro is arm.
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sindbad said:
Look for it yourself :P Instead of arguing with me, just try it yourself. I'm sure you can find a kurobox or a nokia N8x0 around.
I don't need to look for a post I know doesn't exist.

-God Ginrai
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