How to install JAVA to browse with?


Still Fresh
Oct 14, 2008
Well I'm missing Java and Flash support. How or when could we see this in the Pandora?

On another note I had been using a greasemonkey script to play flash movies in the browser with windows media player. Will try and edit this soon and add what's needed.

My goal is to play games on
In a recent experiment, I found Java to be far too large to install to the NAND. The minimum to make it work is about 12MB, but it's very incomplete. In order to get enough classes that basically everything will run you're looking at about 140MB, and there's just not that much space on the NAND. It will need to be run from an SD card.

I've done most of the work getting it to this state already. I'm still working on how to make it a PND, but in its current state you can run regular Java apps from the command line. Given a little more time, I'll figure out how to turn this into a web plugin as well. I'm kinda busy the next couple of weekends, but it shouldn't be too long after that, I hope.

Someone else is working on flash. It'll probably take longer, but it's getting there too.
In a recent experiment, I found Java to be far too large to install to the NAND. The minimum to make it work is about 12MB, but it's very incomplete. In order to get enough classes that basically everything will run you're looking at about 140MB, and there's just not that much space on the NAND. It will need to be run from an SD card.

I've done most of the work getting it to this state already. I'm still working on how to make it a PND, but in its current state you can run regular Java apps from the command line. Given a little more time, I'll figure out how to turn this into a web plugin as well. I'm kinda busy the next couple of weekends, but it shouldn't be too long after that, I hope.

Someone else is working on flash. It'll probably take longer, but it's getting there too.

Would this work better if we have an option to install the OS to the SD directly. If so how do I install it on my 32Gb SD?
Can't you mount /bin and other places to an external storage just like you can a desktop version of linux?
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Why didn't they use a bigger internal memory? Like, a few gigabytes?

Because solid state memory is pricey.

And the internals of the pandora are already pretty cramped so it would be hard to fit more components.

512 Mo is already plenty of space for a handheld console O.S.

But if you think it's really too small, you can fit a 64Go SD card and boot on it, then you'll be able to install plenty of supplementary softwares
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Why didn't they use a bigger internal memory? Like, a few gigabytes?
If my memory serves me correctly, I don't think even 1GB was available for that SoC at the time, never mind multiple Gigabytes. (I don't even know if it is now.)
Why didn't they use a bigger internal memory? Like, a few gigabytes?
If my memory serves me correctly, I don't think even 1GB was available for that SoC at the time, never mind multiple Gigabytes. (I don't even know if it is now.)

Yeah the internal NAND memory is built directly into the OMAP chip.. IE it's a processor/memory and support circuitry all in one chip.. There is only so much room in there. Even the newest version of the beagleboard only has 256megs.