sindbad said:
Look for it yourself

Instead of arguing with me, just try it yourself. I'm sure you can find a kurobox or a nokia N8x0 around.
I don't need to look for a post I know doesn't exist.
-God Ginrai
There is
this and
this. That's probably what everybody is referring to. At least TI is able to get Firefox running on the OMAP 3530.
That wasn't so hard now, was it?
Chip, the point I'm trying to make is: That's not the Pandora's dev board, and that's not on the Pandora's OS. These people are claiming that it is already ported
to the pandora itself, not to a very similar ARM system. It's not the same thing, and it doesn't guarantee we will have any of these things at release because they were ported to similar systems.
Svartalf said:
It's why I told 'em to ignore God Ginrai's comments on the subject- he's thinking that there's a lot of work involved with making a "port". Sometimes there is; many times there's not. In this case, all we're going to need to do at most is a re-spin of the same build-run from the source tree for Pandora using slightly modified makes for the Pandora. In any event, my commentary is more because the bickering is not contributing things...
If it makes you feel any better, God Ginrai, I'll make SURE that there's at least a Firefox 3 version for us after I get a few other things done on my MK0...and if someone doesn't beat me to it first...
Svartalf, it's not that I am overestimating the amount of work that is involved. It is that I realize that there is at least work involved. If everyone takes for granted that it's done when it really isn't, then people will complain later when it isn't ported because no one did the work. (no matter how little work it is)
As for you making sure there will be a FF3 for us, I wish you luck.
-God Ginrai