First Chatboard Game Ready


Certified Guru
Nov 24, 2003

just a quick note, i ported
"Kronos" with Magnetic Scrolls games support.

to gp32 with chatboard support.

It is the first Chatboard game ( i think ). And it is only
playable with a Chatboard.

So if you dont own a Chatboard, you better get one quickly...

I dont know if i release the fxe now, or enter to competition.

stay tuned...


Does this mean the possibility of a portable ST is not too far away? :D That would be very much worth getting a chatboard for...

I imagine if there was support for it in CaSTaway, a notepad app, Frodo and that Linux port, it would help the GP32 immensely.
Uhh.. Links to "howto's" on connecting a chatboard? Cables/converters or is it just "plug'n'play" ?
i suppose this is added instentive for me to put together this pile of chatboards that are in my wardrobe, but sadly im busy until june, but ill definatly make them up then :)
mr.mirko posted on Apr 24 2004 at 02:15 AM said:
So if you dont own a Chatboard, you better get one quickly...

I dont know if i release the fxe now, or enter to competition.
cool! put it in the compo.. maybe some folks will have got chatboards sorted by then.. looks very nice btw
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Hey now, thats just weird ;) I was going to port Kronos, but someone beat me to it.. ported my own software before I did ;)

I will have to check to make sure the latest source is posted, as a couple of fixes went in at one point (for Scott Adams, mostly).

As to the T, above.. you've got CaSTaway so already have portable ST :) And the chatboard support for it is coming very soon..

wildcat posted on Apr 25 2004 at 10:43 AM said:
Ok, what the heck is a chatboard? Where can I get one and how much are they?
chatboard - small keyboard for ericson mobile phone.

get it from - try ebay

how much - about £2 - £3

what else do I need - length of cable, appropriate plug, soldering experience (or check around here for people selling the converted products).

EDIT: This should be in a FAQ....
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HEY BTW, what happened to the GUY who was promising every one a that ZENOCHA ? I did not hear anything from him.
Is there anyone who still make them for those who are "Soldering challenged ?" ?

Zenocha says chatboards will be made in JUNE as he is busy just now.

I think someone else was selling them (the guy that uses a GP32 to control complex equipment!) but they were £20 through him.