Release Final Burn Alpha ported to Pandora (FAQ in first post)


:lol: :lol: :lol:
I might be wrong but in the case of the System 16 driver I think that that SP was initialised as 0, then the first CALL subtracted 2 (and therefore SP was pointing to -2 below base pointer) then tried to write the current PC to the new SP address causing the segfault.
Yeah this is perfectly normal, SP would just wrap on real hardware, so the emu must be able to handle this.

Maybe use something like this at the beginning of push macro:

	ldr r1,[cpucontext,#z80sp_base]

	sub r1,z80sp,r1

	cmp r1,#2

	addlt z80sp,z80sp,#0x10000
Thanks Notaz, but wouldn't

subs z80sp,z80sp,#\dec_sp

bicmi z80sp,#0xff000000

bicmi z80sp,#ff0000

be more cycle efficient?

Also, quick question before I look at drivers like outrun that require 2 x 68000. Can the Cyclone core handle multiple processors? There is some code in the sek handler to report an error message if the cpu count is more than 1 but this has been commented out so not sure if it still applies.


Thanks Notaz, but wouldn't

subs z80sp,z80sp,#\dec_sp

bicmi z80sp,#0xff000000

bicmi z80sp,#ff0000

be more cycle efficient?
Shouldn't z80sp have base pointer added?

And as we have armv7, you could just do the above with single uxth instruction, but that only applies if base pointer is handled elsewhere.

Also, quick question before I look at drivers like outrun that require 2 x 68000. Can the Cyclone core handle multiple processors? There is some code in the sek handler to report an error message if the cpu count is more than 1 but this has been commented out so not sure if it still applies.
Latest Cyclone sure can, I use it for Sega CD, don't remember about older ones.
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System 16 and 18 drivers are working, but only for roms that don't use FD1094 encryption.

The sega drivers I'm using include fd1094.cpp so not sure why these games don't work, however I notice MAME4ALL only works with bootlegs of these games as well.

Is anyone aware of whether this is a Cyclone issue or something else?
Looking at the driver code, it is designed to switch to the M68K core when it encounters FD1094 encryption, I guess these games are not going to work with the Cyclone core (at least not without a lot of work) - pity.
@ dave18 : Any chance you could have a look at reassigning the buttons for vertical shooters? This from crow_riot should give you a good pointer to the root of the problem :

the problem with those not working buttons is the key mapping of the gp2x version dave has based his work on.

in vertical modes the gp2x port was using the volume buttons for B and Y - at least this is what i can tell reading the code. so it should be easily fixable by dave (you could try my last beta version meanwhile with a simple click on ;) )

Was also wondering if you could list (or point me to a list) of what directories within the FBA directory in appdata should be created by the user & what should be created by FBA on first run?

Thanks again for the awesome work to date. :)
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Will definitely sort out button mapping for next version, it's a quick fix. I've been working pretty solidly on getting the sega drivers working since last update.
Will definitely sort out button mapping for next version, it's a quick fix. I've been working pretty solidly on getting the sega drivers working since last update.

if you're interested i'd post my code for remappable buttons?
I finally managed to get the correct dat file for this emulator so I'll try some titles out.
crow_riot, that would certainly help :)


here you go - keymapping is in pandorasdk.cpp (near the line #define PND_UP) ... need to say that i've also modified fba_player's do_keypad function and some more. all modified files and some additional ones are in the zip. hope it's of use - no magic going on, just to save some time ;)


Right, v1.0.0.6 is in the repo

Fixed: button for bombs in vertical shooters

Added: Sega drivers, system1, system16, system18, x board and y board. Unfortunately I haven't yet integrated the fd1094 copy protection with the cyclone core so games that use this protection won't work unless you use bootleg roms.

I haven't added crow_riot's keymaps yet, one because I'd need to get Capex to launch them somehow and I haven't had time to sort it out.

Capex changes:

CPU speed is now used, so any configs that are set to the old value of 200 might need updating so game run at a decent speed.

Rom list included is generated from fba so it is complete and up to date.

Still haven't tracked down the corrupt rom list issue and I still haven't experienced it, might be worth removing any rom lists from appdata/fba-dave18 though as the one is the pnd is the most up to date.

I haven't got around to trying out the new skin yet.

Thanks Dave for the update, will try it out tomorrow :) , ¿any luck fixing the sound lag?.

Thanks for this update very nice

i have several questions

hyper sf run very nice

Knigt of valour and or legend dont run

It is possible port driver cps3 games in fba pandora?

very thanks
Cps3 might be possible but its not 68000 based so I doubt it would run well.
Alright Dave, I just did a quick run threw and have a few issues to report.

The 2 Sega games I tried(Alex Kid and Alien Syndrome), seem to have pops and crackles in the sound, but seem to run pretty good.

Now when I exit ANY game, it kicks me back out to the desk top, whick I guess is OK, as I would have to exit anyway due to the corrupt rom listing after playing one game.

Thanks Again, this is shapping up up very nicely.
