Fgen Wip Sonic 2 Video!!!

Rico posted on Apr 19 2004 at 01:42 PM said:
thebluenewt, I despise your method of debate.

Ok, I was just defending my precious N64 which was being treated rather shabbily in this thread!

Goldeneye might have been original but it was a standard FPS, just because it's on console doesn't make it anymore than a mindless shotfest.


I'll give you Thunderforce, Contra and Shinobi too but the rest impress me not...
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Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 19 2004 at 07:52 AM said:
Didnt I say it had a couple decent games? You yourself just agreed with me and disagreed at the same time!
I didn't detect any praise in your first post! That's fair enough though - if you're more into 2D games I can see why you'd not rate the N64. I agree with your points about the lack of textures and the fact it didn't have much support from other software companies. The Genesis is a class system as well and I was lucky enough to have both. I don't have one at the moment though - a fact that I was considering rectifying but we'll see how Fgen turns out first (see how I almost made this post on topic then ;)).

Anyway - long live video gaming! :)
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Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 19 2004 at 03:43 AM said:
Genesis was so much better than N64, and if you compare the sales of each console I am almost 100% positive that the sales of the Genesis dwarf the N64 by a large margin.
Thats just not true. If I remember correctly the N64 is the 5th best selling console of all time. It was actually pretty succesful.

Even though they did get overtaken by Sony, Nintendo still managed to survive and this was NOT all down to the GB. Remember that Sega actually got forced out of the home console market during the N64 time and after so Nintendo cant have been doing too bad a job. The N64 is home to some of the biggest selling games ever...

As for comparing the consoles, I think they are both great, however I would prefer an N64. Zelda and Mario 64 kept me entertained for weeks.

ps- I actualliy quite liked the controller. It worked well for its time and most of the games used its design well.
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Sega didnt get forced out of the console bussiness, they left of their own free will and it wasnt during the N64, it was during the first 3 months of the PS2. Which, oddly enough, Sega sold more Dreamcasts during the month of the PS2 launch than in any 5 previous months combined. To say that Sega was forced out is a complete lie, especially to say they were forced out by N64.

The sales of Dreamcast during the PS2 launch sky rocketed higher than they have ever been which made segas announcement to stop production of it even more....odd.
now, is this a n64<->genesis thread or one about the video?

i believe its the quality of the movie that things look so weird.
if anarchy says that its frameskip 0 and its running very sweet, why dont we just believe him/her(?) ?
Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 19 2004 at 05:21 PM said:
Sega didnt get forced out of the console bussiness, they left of their own free will and it wasnt during the N64, it was during the first 3 months of the PS2. Which, oddly enough, Sega sold more Dreamcasts during the month of the PS2 launch than in any 5 previous months combined. To say that Sega was forced out is a complete lie, especially to say they were forced out by N64.

The sales of Dreamcast during the PS2 launch sky rocketed higher than they have ever been which made segas announcement to stop production of it even more....odd.
What was Nintendo's home console when the Dreamcast was launched.......

The N64.

Obviously Sega didnt want to pull out of the home console market, but they had lost lots of business to Sony and many Nintendo fans were happy with their 64's and also happy waiting for the GC. Sega were losing millions at the time and could've even gone out of business.

The way you describe it, Sega was trouncing Nintendo and Sony, but then just decided to pull out for some unknown reason.

The N64 sold far more units worldwide than the Dreamcast ever did (which is a pity btw), and you are definitely underestimating how succesful the N64 actually was.

Super Mario 64 sold more copies worldwide than any PS/PS2/Dreamcast/Genesis game ever has done.
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I didnt say that Sega was troucning Sony or Nintendo, you misinterpreted my post. Sony obviously outdid Nintendo and Sega.

However, statistically, millions of people were waiting for a PS2 to get for xmas for their sons/daughters/husbands/etc..., when the PS2 launched and had very little amount on the shelves, (and they ran out really fast), they grabbed the "next best thing", the Dreamcast. N64 wasnt choosen simply because by then, many years into the N64's life, most people who wanted one, had one already, it was old, not a "next gen" system. So Dreamcast, which hadnt been arround that long, was the alternative choosen for xmas that year. (atleast in the US), and it sold more in those couple months then it had EVER sold. I remember reading about the skyrocket in sales because of the lack of PS2 hardware for xmas.

Your post states that the reason for Dreamcasts "collapse" was because of N, which wasnt the case in the least bit. Dreamcast sold big, when it released the N was already reaching the end of its life cycle, and so was the PS1, so Dreamcast was the only Next Gen system available until the PS2 was released, and it sold big time. No one forced Sega to leave, and they defintly didnt leave because of N. They left because they saw more money in game development for all of the next gen systems, then trying to stay in that hardware war and lose tons of money fighting against the PS2 (like the massive $$ Microsoft loses on each console sold). This from their own public statement. They saw that if they stayed in the hardware bussiness, this next gen console wars would end up killing them. They didnt have billions to lose like microsoft does, and they didnt have any other system like GB/GBA to fall back on if they got on hard times. So they got out of the fire zone before the war started.

As for Mario64, of course it sold, it was a fun game, and for its time the graphics were "ok". But as the N64 progressed, and the games didnt really change visually (most of even the later N64 games look just like the bland, textureless, blockly graphics that made up Mario64) Now the PS1 suffered from the very same blockly graphics on their original 3d games (thankfully they had a wide variety of 2d games unlike the N64) but later in the PS1's life cycle the 3d graphics started to become amazing, just look at the enemies in FF9.

I feel like I am having this same argument in 3 different threads......
I never said that Sega's withdrawal was solely because of Nintendo, because it is blatantly obvious to anybody that is was Sony's dominance of the console market which made hardware life so difficult for Sega.

The Dreamcast was launched quite a while before the PS2, and one of the main reasons it failed was because the public had lost confidence in Sega hardware, after all the fumblings in recent years. You can say it didnt fail, but commercially and realistically it did.

I know you dont like the N64, and thats obviously fine. The only thing I wanted to clear up was you blatantly underestimating the user base of the N64. As I have already said, it was one of the biggest selling consoles with some of the biggest selling games of all time.

We do tend to have very similar debates scattered around the place..... :)
declaration posted on Apr 19 2004 at 06:42 PM said:
I never said that Sega's withdrawal was solely because of Nintendo, because it is blatantly obvious to anybody that is was Sony's dominance of the console market which made hardware life so difficult for Sega.

The Dreamcast was launched quite a while before the PS2, and one of the main reasons it failed was because the public had lost confidence in Sega hardware, after all the fumblings in recent years. You can say it didnt fail, but commercially and realistically it did.

I know you dont like the N64, and thats obviously fine. The only thing I wanted to clear up was you blatantly underestimating the user base of the N64. As I have already said, it was one of the biggest selling consoles with some of the biggest selling games of all time.

We do tend to have very similar debates scattered around the place..... :)
I dont think they were failing at all, every report that I read during that time said that they were still making bank and the PS2 launch gave them a huge boost in sales and userbase. There was a little talk, unofficially of finance problems, but Sega made public announcements invalidating these claims.

Sega made a smart, stratigical move, they saw that, every though they were still making money, that when the PS2, N's new system, and microsofts new system, that there was going to be a war. Which as we all know, was very true. And to compete in these wars you have to lower prices, etc.., so now even M$ loses ALOT of money per unit sold. Sega didnt want to be a part of that and figured that they would be better off just making games for all the systems. (the smartest move that sega ever made, although the saddest one)

I will give you the fact that the dreamcast didnt sell like it should was because of segas "iffy" history with the Saturn. But I wont give that the N64 had, in any way, contributed to the demise of segas console. Maybe the upcoming GC and its published specs, might have had something to do with the descision, but not the N64. I have only met 3 people in my life that had an N64.

As you have probably noticed I am Anti-NewNintendo in every facet of my being.
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IMO the DC and N64 where much better consoles than the PS2.. infact the only reason I got a ps2 was for FFX. Im sad the DC died because I got one on the first Xmas of it being out. Shame was a beutiful machine :(
Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 19 2004 at 06:56 PM said:
I have only met 3 people in my life that had an N64.

As you have probably noticed I am Anti-NewNintendo in every facet of my being.
so 3 out of the 5 people you know have an N64? :P Thats 60%, not bad. :P

seriously though, the N64 was huge. I knew loads of people with them and the only reason many people I know switched to the Playstation was because of the ease of piracy. I also agree that the PS1 was a far superior console to the N64.

Don't get me wrong, I think Nintendo's greatest days were in the Snes era and I too prefer older Nintendo products. However, I am still willing to give newer things a try and
try everything with an open mind (eg- not dismissing Zelda because of the graphics, or not dismissing MP because its a bit different from the older Metroids).

i however would be much more willing to spend my hard earned cash on a new game offering something diiferent and with new ideas than spending it on a quick SNES>GBA port.
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I wouldnt say its dead just yet...
Border Down was recently released for DC. A great commercial game.
And people are trying to hack the bios for bios replacements, and it will soon have emulation up to par with GP32 (right now the NES is much better, but the rest are a bit worse), they even made a GP32 <-> DC link cable so people can make games that take advantage of both (like the GC <-> GBA cable)

The commercial DC has died down to almost nothing (basically only get games we petition for), but the homebrewn scene is as strong as the GP32's. :)

i however would be much more willing to spend my hard earned cash on a new game offering something diiferent and with new ideas than spending it on a quick SNES>GBA port.
I couldnt be more the opposite. I like experimentation within boundries, but when you completely go off on some tangent that wasnt even remotely close to the previous games (zelda for example) then all you are doing is creating a new game and slapping your francise label on it to sell.
Yeah, I still love my DC.
I check the homebrew scene sometimes too, although my Xbox has somewhat taken its place there.

It was very promising console with many firsts and its just a pity what happened happened.
PinkSpider posted on Apr 19 2004 at 06:58 PM said:
IMO the DC and N64 where much better consoles than the PS2..

I'd go even further to say that none of the current consoles have more than a handful of classic games or maybe I'm just wearing my rose-tinted specs... :P
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thebluenewt posted on Apr 19 2004 at 08:33 PM said:
PinkSpider posted on Apr 19 2004 at 06:58 PM said:
IMO the DC and N64 where much better consoles than the PS2..

I'd go even further to say that none of the current consoles have more than a handful of classic games or maybe I'm just wearing my rose-tinted specs... :P
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Which part are you in agreement with? Personally I don't think the N64 was the greatest console ever (although it had some innovative games), but then again I don't think it's the pile of crap that some are suggesting either. But then that's my opinion and others are entitled to their own.
Wolfsclaw posted on Apr 19 2004 at 05:34 PM said:
now, is this a n64<->genesis thread or one about the video?
You'd think so. :blink:

The video looks like they've got a very playable version of Sonic 2 running there. I'm impressed.

And the N64 was a decent console, but the SNES was Nintendo's finest hour. Try as they might, they just couldn't repeat that success and still haven't IMHO. The N64 had several major design flaws and poor 3rd party support...its only saviour was the fantastic and exclusive Nintendo software and a couple of neat hardware innovations (namely the four controller ports).

I'd take a DC over an N64 any day of the week. Then I'd dump them both for a SNES.
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