Favorite Game On...


Still Fresh
Jan 3, 2005
Delete this if it has been done before...


Genesis: Mickey Mouse:Castle of Illusion(no joke , i love this game)

NeoGeo: Shock Troopers 2

MAME: Metal Slug

GameBoy(anything): Advance Wars (GBASP)

NES:Tecmo Bowl

Or any other system you want to add emulated by the gp2x :-D
Wow, this is tough...

TurboGrafX - Galaga '90

NES - Galaga or RC Pro-Am

Gameboy - Kirby's Dream Land

Game Gear - Sonic 2

Genesis - Sonic and Knuckles... no, Ecco the Dolphin...

SNES - Yoshi's Island or Tales of Phantasia

NeoGeo - Puzzle Bobble 2

Gameboy Advance - Lunar or Minish Cap...
Atari 2600: Space Battle
Intellivision: Sea Battle(tough on the GP2X though)
ColecoVision: Tapper
Vectrex(cross fingers :) ): Star Trek
Commodore64: AD&D Pool of Radiance
Atari Lynx: Rampart
Turbo Grafx-16: Bonk's Revenge
Sega Genesis: Tecmo Super Bowl
Nintendo Entertainment System: Tengen Tetris
Super Nintendo: Final Fantasy III (U.S.)
Nintendo Gameboy(any): Advanced Wars I+II
Neo Geo Pocket Color: Neo Turf Masters
M.A.M.E.: Jungle King

Homebrew/Port top 5 (as of now anyway :) ) -
1) Ur-Quan Masters
2) Myriad
3) Reword 6
4) Clonk2x
5) Su Doku by Yoyo+

[edit] I tried not to put the same game down for different systems. Sometimes I do reach for Tapper on 3 different consoles. I'm a freak what can I tell ya? ;)
SNES: Terranigma (Though it's not really completely playable yet)
Genesis: Streets of Rage II
Gameboy/GBC: Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge (Colour version)
NES: Akumajou Densetsu [Translated] and Blue Shadow
Turbo Grafx-16: Splatterhouse (YAY! :D)
C64: Haven't got the emulator working on the gp2x yet, but my favourite game is Creatures
:o too dificult, can't possibly pick one for each so I'm gonna pick a few.

Atari 800 - Attack of the mutant camels, jet boot jack, Star raiders, rescue on fractalus (not sure how good the last 2 would be on GP2x as they use the keyboard a lot.

Megadrive - any Sonic game, Psycho Pinball, Castle of illusion, zombies ate my neighbours - and too many more to list :P

Snes- Super Ghouls and Ghosts, Castlevania IV, Megaman x

Gameboy - Mario Land, Mr Driller, Kirby's Block ball, Tennis

Gamegear/SMS Fantasy zone 2, Megumi Rescue, Bank Panic

Nes - All Donkey Kong games, Super mario bros 1 and 3, Ghostbusters 2 (the one by hal)

Neogeo - All Metal slug, Samurai Showdown, Bust a' move, Ghost Lop

Mame - Pang, Final Fight, Ghouls and Ghosts, Three wonders.

GBA - Pinball challenge deluxe, Astro Boy, Minish cap, all castlevania games, both Metroids Mario kart (Only a few of these work and the ones that do aren't full speed yet though maybe soon :).....)

I'll give it a rest now - sorry for cheating ;)
Amiga : Super Cars 2
Megadrive : Castle of Illusion
SNES : Mario World
Spectrum : Manic Miner
Master System : Wonderboy III
MAME : Final Fight (with no extra credits, yeah!)
Atari 2600: Superman, air/sea battle, combat, surround, adventure, haunted house
ColecoVision: (I loved it at the time, but the best stuff was arcade ports, way better in mame)
Sega Genesis: NHL 94, decap attack, jungle/desert/urban strike, gaiares, wily wars (mega man compilation)
NES: faxanadu, mario 2/3, zelda 1, wiz & warriors, tecmo super bowl, megaman 2/3
Super Nintendo: dk country series, yoshi, zelda
Nintendo Gameboy(any): scrabble, 2 GBC zelda games, pokemon series
M.A.M.E.: new zealand story, mr do, dig dug, joust, robotron, space duel
NeoGeo: Magical Drop, neo mr do
This week I have been mostly playing Evander Holyfields real deal boxing on the mega drive.

snes-bomberman(1+2)/mario kart/uni rally (uni racers)
vic20-amok/shadow fax/RIP/Rockman
amiga-stunt car racer
nes-championship pool
NES: Mega Man III
SNES: Super Metroid
GB/GBC: Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
GBA: Metroid Fusion
Master System: Phantasy Star
Genesis: Shadowrun
Game Gear: Sonic Chaos
NeoGeo: Metal Slug
MAME: Carrier Airwing
PSX: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

I'm not familiar enough with most of the other systems to pick any favourites there.
Atari ST: Llamatron

Amiga: tie Shadow of the Beast/Agony

NES: Mike Tyson's Punch Out

Genesis/Megadrive: Gunstar Heroes

SNES: tie Contra III/ Actraiser 1

Turbo Graphix: Super Star Soldier

Turbo Duo: Ys Book I&II

Saturn: tie Radiant Silvergun/Panzer Dragoon Saga

PSX: Grandia

DC: Ikaruga

MAME: tie Metamorphic Force/Guwange

NeoGeo: Metal Slug 3
craigix posted on Dec 12 2006 at 07:32 AM said:
Master System : Wonderboy III
I noticed that this was released for the TG16 as Dragon's Curse. Is the TG16 version any good?
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My votes (at the moment) go to:

Megadrive - Gunstar Heroes
SNES - Sensible Soccer
MAME - Salamander
Amiga - Speedball 2 or Sensible Soccer (runs a bit better on squidgesnes though - SWOS on Amiga rules)
Atari ST - Xenon 2 (only cos it runs better on Castaway than uae2x - Amiga original is superior for the great music!)
BBC Micro: Chuckie Egg

Spectrum: Jet Set Willy

Amstrad CPC464: Target Renegade

C64: Horace Goes Skiing

Atari ST / Amiga: IK+

Gameboy: Mario Golf

GameGear: Sonic 2

Atari Lynx: California Games

NES: Mike Tyson's Punchout

Master System: World Soccer

PC Engine: Gunhed

Megadrive: Streets of Rage 2

SNES: F-Zero

N64: Mario 64

PSX: Tekken 3

PS2: Tekken 5

PSP: Burnout Legends

CPS1: Final Fight

CPS2: X-men vs Street Fighter

Neo Geo: Garou Mark of the Wolves