Fansubbed Anime!


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
For those poor guys, like me, all we can support is fansubbed anime until we have enough money to buy liscenced anime.

One series I just finished is Full Moon Wo Sagashite ("Searching for a Full Moon"). This is the type of series that everyone could love, but be warned, it gets VERY dark in the middle to the end. It's all about a little 12-year old girl (Kouyama Mitsuki) who gets a visit from two Shingami (basically death incarnate) who tell her she has one year to live, and they are there to make sure she dies when she is suppose to (no, Shingami don't kill people, they just "collect" their souls). All Mitsuki ever wanted out of life is to become a great singer. Since she is 12-years old, and her throat cancer (her terminal illness) makes it hard for her to sing in anything other then a whisper, she had little chance to realize her dream before the Shingami came. For one of the Shingami, named Takuto, unconsciously sympathizes with her situation (you learn why much, much later) and uses his power to transform her into a 16-year old girl with a completely health body, with the exception Mitsuki's voice sounds exactly the same, though she can use it as loud as she wants without pain. Mitsuki is a smash hit, and quickly becomes the #1 singer as "Full Moon" (Mitsuki is another word for "moon'). Her love of singing also stems from her love of a childhood friend, Eichi-kun (prounced "Aech", not to be confused with "Ecchi" which is pronounced "Ehchi"), as she sings so her songs can reach her childhood love in America. The two Shingami (one male, one female) that live with her start fallling in love with her, the type of love and devotion a best friend would have, and perhaps more for one of them. The story gets darker and darker as her appointed time gets closer and closer, but it turns out to be a happy ending...though I won't spoil it and say whether she dies a "happy" death, or lives on.

The writing, theme, and flow of the episodes in this story is excellent. Mitsuki is an extremely kind girl, always putting others before herself. The theme, although dark, does have the right mixture of funny moments and sad moments. The flow of the episodes is long (52 episodes), but it allows many characters to develop far beyond what normal anime allows. One of the things I really dislike about modern drama is that most have "Character Building Episodes" which are dedicated to explaining a character's past and fleshing out a character in general. With Full Moon, all episodes contain some portion of a character's past and flesh them out more and more.

At first the anime just seems silly, but the more you watch it the more you will see how it's not really one of those "funny" anime types. It is a very heart-warming story, and very, very sad at times. If you do not cry at all watching this anime through, even if you're a so-called "macho man", there's something wrong with you. But if you're not happy unless there's tons of fighting and saiyans involved, this isn't for you.

Oh, and feel free to use this thread to talk about your own favorite still-circulating fansubbed anime :) No fair talking about liscenced anime, since I don't download licensced anime, but I am interested in hearing more about still-circulating (BitTorrent, etc.) non-liscenced, fan-subbed anime!
I didn't realize it the first time I read this post but I have seen some of that series, something titled "Full Moon wo Sagashite Special". I thought it was pretty good, and after reading what you think about it, I think I will look into it a little more.
(I had no idea the little stuffed animals from what I watched were death incarnate! :o )