FaMe Soft Gp32 info


Militaire Madness Junkie
Aug 7, 2003
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Soft: MoviePark DivX 4.12 (even supports subtitles!)
Ported Games: Elite, Doom 1-2, Heretic, Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of the Desteny, ScummVM (Quest games by LucasArts: DOTT, Monkey Island 2, Sam & Max etc.), Old Sierra's games: Larry, Police Quest, King's Quest, etc
Games: MeGaGP On-Line Shop, JoyGP
Emulators: GameBoy, GameBoy Color, MSX1 - MSX2, Phoenix, Commodore64, Spectrum, Sega Master System, Game Gear, PC Engine / Turbograph 16, NES, SNES, Genesis / Mega Drive 2, WonderSwan Color emulator, ATARI (some kinds, invluding Atari ST).

GP32 Game System by Gamepark

Display: TFT 3.5" Reflective TFT LCD (65,536 colors)
There's a special version of GP32 with backlit: GP32 FLU (Its price is ~40 USD higher).
ROM 512 Kbytes

Storage SMC (Smart Media Card) up to 256 Mb
PC Connection Cable USB Port connection cable
Sound 16Bit PCM Stereo Sound, MIDI support (over 32 poly), 4 Channel WAV Mixing
32Bit RISC CPU (20MHz - 166Mhz)
Definition 320 X 240 Pixels
Power 2 AA Batteries (12 Hours use time between charges)
MP3 MPEG(I,II) Audio Support
Controls 8-Way directional pad (joystick) + Durable 6 key buttons
Wireless multi-player gaming 900Mhz (optional)
Internet Connectivity
Online multiplayer game can be played by high-speed Internet connection
E-Book, Chat, Internet Browser, Image Viewer, DivX and XVID MPEG4 Player (optional)
SecuMAX Enabled (FLASH Protection)


are the Bold Things true or mistakes from the creator of the FaMe soft site?
Moviepark supports subtitles, but you need to load a special filter in vdub inorder to use it.

I dont know about those old Sierra games.

And i also dont know if there will be making a 256mb smc card, but i thihnk i heard that gamepark is going to make one. or not, due to hardwarew limitation?

E-Book, Chat, Internet Browser: Possable not going to happen, unless they realease a cell phone connector, then its VERY possable.

And yes, moviepark and gpcinema plays xvid perfectly fine, but i dont know about MPEG4.

And FaMe Soft site just lists the things that the gp32 can do.

I hope this helps!
I knew you could put subtitles on your movie, atleast it was/is a encoding-guide on JoyGP that includes this. Have never tried it myself, so I don't know if it works.

You can read E-books in .txt format. The other stuff like a 256mb SMC - WOW if that was true, and Internet browser is too much. I thought Fame Soft knew their machine they are creating games and apps for!? And can people never learn, the GP32 isn't backlit, why does it says FLU on the box!? :P
Old Sierra's games: Larry, Police Quest, King's Quest, etc

are ported, well the engine is like scummv, you can just load them in, if it isn't on here its on gbaemu.


It cant possibley support a card over 128 without some major mods. Its becaue any card over 128 takes 5 volts to use while 128 and below is 3.3 . So basically you would drain your batteries almost twice as fast, or it would just simply not work!
Lots of rumours about a 256mb card.

E-mail browser, that's not true yet.

Subtitles are only supported if added the movie's image data itself, I guess.

DivX and XviD are both variants of the MPEG-4 standard, so MPEG-4 is supported (perhaps not officially)

The Sierra games can be run by Sarien, a AGS interpreter, available here and at gp32emu I think.
I think that now europe has got a massive distribution on the way, the mythical 3v 256MB SMC might well see the light of day.
crazeeplaya posted on Aug 25 2003 said:
So, Dolfhin, you don't know as much as you thought then :lol: :D
Ther'es always something to learn :D

Nice to hear about the subtitels :D
Great to hear about the old sega games :D :D :D :D :D
Nice to hear about the supported codecs i'll try them out when i got my gp32 :D
Not so nice to hear about the 256 mb smc :( but who knowes with a europe launch coming it might be released pretty soon :D Same for the webbrowser, e-book reader and other stuff
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