There shouldn't be much rewriting at all to do-- there are pre-existing ARM9 68000 cores written in ASM. It would do nothing to hurt performance-- even if it can't yield the speed of the original system due to the video subsystem slowing things.
There shouldn't be much rewriting at all to do-- there are pre-existing ARM9 68000 cores written in ASM. It would do nothing to hurt performance-- even if it can't yield the speed of the original system due to the video subsystem slowing things.
Actually, as far as I'm aware most of those ARM cores are actually not written to emulate the hardware entirely accurately, which is very important in the case of the AMIGA. This is why we can't just slot the old Cyclone 68000 into UAE4ALL, as it's too inprecise.
As Squidge has said a few times now, you'd be better off re-writing the graphics routines to get extra speed. The fact that FAME is available gives a definite speed increase, but the graphics as far as I'm aware cause the major slowdowns.
To be fair, squidge profiled a different emulator from uae4all. Chui has performed some cunning drawing shortcuts in uae4all that I don't think would have been in the port of UAE that squidge tried.