Falldown score files...


Well-Known Member
I've managed to get a score of 141 in the hard mode of Falldown (one of the 15 day competition entries). What I'm interested in is - has anyone got any better? And would they please send me their score-files so I can try and beat them! I'm trusting everyone not to just edit the things (assuming the aren't decrypted) so their score is 5000000, but I want some competition that isn't from myself!

Thanks if anyone's got some. If you want my scorefile, I'll put send it to you. I'd put it up somewhere, but I cbf to make a site atm lol.
I got to 1337 in Easy mode. I could have gotten well past that, but I was bored as all hell, so I just stopped at 1337. The game doesn't display scores above 999 on the high score menu though, I was dissapointed.
Now at 243... I'll beat that 280 mark eventually :)

Easy mode is easy as hell. Hard mode is fun though :D
oops, sry, that question was a little too stupid :D

15 day contest you said ... okkk

:ph34r: hujja!

/ NOrmen