F200(b) Themes


Still Fresh
Jun 26, 2007
So since I've got my new GP2X, I've been reading this site for some information and getting a ton of help in the process... Tks to everyones posts and responses.. So on the GP2X archives, I found some kewl looking skins I wanted to use... Dloaded them and hooked up my USB cable but for some reason I can not access the NAND? Can someone point me in the right direction as to how to acess it so I can change the defualt backdrop and access the NAND? I've tried USB Host on and off with no avail.. thanks in advance...
The themes you see in the archives are not for 4.0 (F200)
The firmware on the f200 is not skinnable.
The NAND is not really accessible on the F200. Firmware 4.0 is not really a good piece of software, and will not allow skinning, as Pandora mentioned.

The best advice you can get, when it comes to the F200's GUI, is to install GMenu2x, like most of us.

This is a piece of software that you can find in the archive and is 500% better than the GUI that comes with FW4.0, give it a try! If you are not sure how this works, think of it like this: GMenu2x is to GPH's GUI what Windows 3.1 was to DOS =)
xcen said:
The best advice you can get, when it comes to the F200's GUI, is to install GMenu2x, like most of us.
Ah, I was not aware the F200 supported gmenu2x yet. (I've got an MK2). Thats wicked.
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Wow!!!!! So i guess the community is not too happy with the 4.0 update huh ..... Tks for the replies ... also Xcen, I've dloaded the Menu and its great... cept that when i go to the file / explorer menu, I just get a 'blank' screen.. Is that because of the 4.0 firmware also?

Oh and I remember all too well going from DOS to Windows 3.11 :) ... I'm probally one of the oldest ppl here still playing games :P
GMenux is 90% compatible with the F200.

Since the Explorer application is not found in FW4.0 (there used to be a half decent file manager on the F100), this is why you get a blank screen.

You will also notice that the USB for ext and Nand are not working at all.

in order to use the built in usb card reader, you will have to plug your wire and either exit gmenu2x or launch the "explorer" application (which will effectively quit gmenu2x in order to launch the non existent application, and as soon as that happens, FW4.0 SW will pick up and give you the nice "usb connected screen" and then you'll have to stupidly reboot to get out of that mode, what an improvement =P)

iCeD00D, out of curiosity, what year were you born? I think you'd be surprised =P
iCeD00D said:
Wow!!!!! So i guess the community is not too happy with the 4.0 update huh ..... Tks for the replies ... also Xcen, I've dloaded the Menu and its great... cept that when i go to the file / explorer menu, I just get a 'blank' screen.. Is that because of the 4.0 firmware also?

You can change the look of the 4.0 firmware by overwriting the right files at the right places, the background on my F200 is not blue anymore. :)


GMenu is very user friendly and safer, I think you could use Enexfi as file manager.

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@ Xcen -- 1965 :P ... and still kickin in the Emu scene ... .hehe

Tutut -- Would you mind PMing me or posting which ever you like, on how you where able to change your desktop
If it's any help to you, the images appear to all be in /usr somewhere

look around in /usr and there'll be a gp2x folder somwhere. (I think it might be /usr/gp2x or /usr/share/gp2x)

anyway, theres a few folders with pictures and the background appears to be:


@ Echomote -- Tks but when I attach the USB port, the SD only shows up.. I can not access the NAND and I think because of the 4.0 firmware, I will not be able to .... just yet ... but i could be wrong..

In the archive search for qtopia, it has a couple of file browsers, with copy/paste support. :)

Although it's a little slow, and doesn't have touchscreen support, it's pretty neat.

I'd advise copying the gp2x folder to SD, then on your PC make a backup, and change files as wanted, then later copy back over.

(A warning about the slowness: when you tell it to paste files, it might not appear as though it's copying - but it is, so don't power off or unplug the SD card)
Kewl .. where there's a will... there's a way... Tks man .. lets hope i dont 'brick' this puppy :) .... tks
iCeD00D said:
Tutut -- Would you mind PMing me or posting which ever you like, on how you where able to change your desktop
Everything is in /usr/gp2x, for example :

/usr/gp2x/imgmain/body.png is the main background
/usr/gp2x/imgcommon/body_explorer.png is the explorer background

The specs of the pictures that work for me with The Gimp (I can't help with Photoshop my PC is running Linux) :

X resolution=72dpi
Y Resolution=72dpi
Color space=RGB

Here's a script to get the pictures used in the F200 firmware.

cp -R /usr/gp2x/img* /mnt/sd/backup
cd /usr/gp2x

Copy those lines in notepad, save the file as imgbackup.gpe on your SD card and create a directory named backup at the root of the card.
Insert the card in the console, power on and launch imgbackup.gpe, the screen will get black during the copy (10 to 15 seconds).

I think the easiest way to modify is to launch a script that copy your image from the SD card to the console.
For example :

cp -f /mnt/sd/path_to_new_background/your_image.png /usr/gp2x/imgmain/body.png
cd /usr/gp2x

cp is the Linux command to copy files and/or directories, you can read the manual page here.

I didn't use a script the first time but sterm and type the command line to overwrite the new background of my F200. :)

Tell me if I missed something.
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