Extend Utils

That's just because I hadn't installed squashfs-tools in the Debian extend, so just apt-get install it and you should be ok :)
Hey Stuckie. I'm your deadly rival in providing on-board compilers for the Pandora (I do a gcc-in-a-pnd thing called cdevtools, I think you started a similar thing once?). It disappoints me to say how impressive your Dev-Extends approach is. It seems faster than my pnd, and it's definitely more flexible. Great work. Grrrrr.....
Once again, thanks for everything, Stuckie. It's been working very well for me and I finally feel like I have a dev environment which I can get a solid handle on.

Just thought I'd let you know that the 1GB extend works just fine. I moved on from groove until I research some library issues and have begun compiling the latest source of openc2e. (The site seems to have gone down, but it is a Creatures 1, 2, 3 engine that saw development at least up to last year.)

Currently, there is enough room in the 1 GB extend for all the necessary libraries, but not for a successful compile. It runs out of space when I get into creating the .o files.

I plan to copy into a 2GB dev extend once I get a linux virtual box running, but I'll let you know if I run into any trouble. Working with your extends has been a great learning experience for me and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.


EDIT: Wow I'm not very smart. I was running out of space due to building the source in /home/myusername/ not /home/debian/
I am using an overlay - it seems to be working ok, however I get errors for some commands in the terminal (top, nano) after mount
'xterm': unkown terminal type

somebody understands this problem and knows a fix?
sebt3 said:
unset TERM
export TERM=vt220
I found out that /etc/terminfo went MIA - probably something to do with some opkg installs. reinstalled ncurses-terminfo, now its working again:)
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