Staggering out the basement once more for another mad hack.
This time, a substantial update to the SimpleDev Environment.
Being of somewhat insane mind, I wondered if there was a way to get the dev tools packaged into a PND properly, without these rather dodgy AUFS hacks that can cause all manner of badness if you're not paying attention.
Add to that, that sometimes the AUFS binds don't take, and you end up writing all over your NAND anyway, I thought about doing something else.
I attempted to just package the Angstrom install of gcc into a PND.. but it spreads itself all over the place... no, what I needed was the classic cross-compiler setup, as that can be installed into any directory we want, and holds itself in there completely.
So yes, I've just built a Pandora cross-compiler on my Pandora. It took it's time to build too!
The process is pretty standard enough that you could get away with cross-compilers for other systems... how about a little Wiz devving on the go? Dingoo? GP32? or for true madness, build mingw32 and do some Windows apps!
This is a first release, but with just the compiler suite - no extra libraries like SDL or the like - as generally devs in these parts are pretty quick to build their own anyway, I've noticed.
I'll put up a library release soon, just wanted to get the compiler out there, to show that it works
The compiler was built in a mental way.
I hooked up an external USB Hard Drive to the Pandora ( as I wasn't entirely sure how much space this would eat up. )
I then used an Overlay to install the Angstrom dev tools on the Pandora, and grabbed crosstools-ng :
I then compiled and installed that, while satisfying any dependencies it had.
Finally, I setup an arm cross compiler, using glibc, gcc 4.3.4 and what it marks as long-term stable Linux Headers - 2.6.27-48. Majority of the settings I left as default apart from install directory ( I set it to the path the PND mounts on ) and I added in the debug tools as well ( minus DUMA.. I had that in originally and left it running ALL DAY and it never finished.. so the second attempt didn't have DUMA and it finished in a few hours instead )
Once it finished, I wrapped it in a PND and reset to test.
The startup script is hugely simple in that all it does is set the PATH, and launch a Terminal. That Terminal is the only thing with that PATH, so once you close it, everything is cleanly pulled off. Just as it should be
I've compiled GCC with G++ support in, and their prefix is: arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-* .. so arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-gcc, for example.
I'm hoping this replaces the old Dev Extend ( which I'll probably phase out at the end of the month.. it was a nasty hack and didn't really work as well as I expected. )
I'll post up a Library pack later, with SDL and GLES and so on.. so it mirrors Torpor's Bollocks ( steady on! ) in terms of Library support if nothing else.
Due to a fair few bugs and things, I'm taking the download down temporarily while I figure out why compiling anything more complicated than a simple SDL app causes major headaches... sorry.