Explaining The Pandora

To put it mildy, the general consumer doesn't want to be marketed too. Or at least FEEL like they are being marketed.
They want to be shown something different, something special.

The everyday consumer is already in the market for "xyz", the job of every product company and marketing firm is to get the consumer to choose a specific XYZ product within that market. First off, the product needs to find its demographic (or who is in the market for such a device). Secondly, the product must appeal to every (or as many) sensibilities as possible. So what do we have here....
We have a Pandora handheld.

Straight up it is a handheld pocketable device that is a gaming device, UMPC, media player, etc. So basically, what we have in another version of the apple Itouch, only with physical controls right????
Well that is what the general consumer will only see unless we push the strengths of this Pandora system to make it stand out from the crowd.
So what is the Pandora?

It is a community supported handheld device that thrives off of the incredible skill and talent of its members. It is was made by blue collar individuals, for blue collar individuals. (I guess)
Its strengths are in this community. Its strengths are in the ability for the community to modify, and hack and innovate this device from the inside out. The consumers who are in the market for a device like this WON'T be looking JUST for whats under the hood. They will be looking to become a part of something greater than a simple purchase of a Nintendo 3DS or Ipod Touch or Chinese UMPC clone. If every developer in this world KNEW of this device could you imagine the possibilities here? The developers I speak of are developers who genuinely attempt to put out innovative software.
As a few people mentioned earlier this is a device made by the people for the people. This device (even it is infancy) is still innovating is changing, morphing into something new.

These are the strengths...
Freedom to design
Freedom to develop
Freedom to entertain
freedom created by the community

Craig, I do some marketing for my Wholesale company here, hit me up if you want some thoughts.
If you want to come up with a good campaign for the pandora, you have to decide who your target audience is, I.e.

How old are they?
What gender?
What are their hobbies?
What do they read (websites, magazines, books)?
what do they watch? (YouTube, movies, tv)
what gadgets do they already own/use?
what is their income like?

Then you have a good basis from which to collect and create content for your site and whatever else you want to design.

It's much easier to advertise to a specific demographic, and usually more effective
Two years ago, a crack development unit was sent to financial hell by a bank for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum money crisis to the internet underground. Today, still wanted by the masses, they survive as developers of open source. If you have a problem, if no one else can make an open device, and if you can find one, maybe you can buy... The Pandora. :D
MWeston said:
Two years ago, a crack development unit was sent to financial hell by a bank for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum money crisis to the internet underground. Today, still wanted by the masses, they survive as developers of open source. If you have a problem, if no one else can make an open device, and if you can find one, maybe you can buy... The Pandora. :D

lol. That sounds like the plot synopsis for an 80's techno-action film.

-God Ginrai
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jonlad1 said:
Look at the size of Craginal's chin!!

Fucking gold.

I love it when a plan comes together in two months.
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defo got to have that a-team intro going on, with the military drums and chopper blade sound effects too, that will instantly grab peoples attention

I would highlight the fact there's app store ...some people love an app store
I...dunno(which means it's probably a good idea to not read this post).
I think it's good to say, hell yes, this is the open console, we're NOT apple, we're not Micro$loth. THAT'S a good idea. )Though the kind of people that might be attracted by promotion that just ever-so-slightly creeps into lamer-land 'oh look, it runs Linux'...).

But I don't want to see, and some may agree with me, others may hate me saying this, but if you don't get what the pandora is now, and say 'just get an iphone lol' then you can go jump off a cliff. Seriously. You suck. Liek it or go ELSEWHAR. I suppose your boss has an excuse, he's a boss. Like accountants, they're just not supposed to understand anything ( :D No offence to anyone, read some BOFH and have a laugh).

...and I just had to <BKSP> some letters thar, because i'm not sure my thoughts on the pandora are as 'meh' as everyone else in the community. I think the system is more than what even the OP team have thought. This console has more potential imo, people just need to not use python, and actually CODE just let it be what it really can be. Don't hold back, get out there and code! Don't make lamo iApps, make something awesome :P (I dunno what yet lawl)

The Pandora is the system for those who think iPods/iPhones are what they are, uncool. And feel free to disagree with me, hey I don't have a Pandora yet! but I have been following the OP project for a long while, and have watched _lamers_ get iPods/iPhones/iPads/android and these are my thoughts. And I can see that some of you do own iPods/iPhones/iPads, hopefully you'll see sense after a while hacking at teh Pandora. While there are people that are rather intelligent that are using Macs or Windows, we shouldn't even TRY and convince the people that won't consider anything different. Stuff 'em. If they won't enter our paradise, why spend time out of it trying to bring them in? They'd likely only spoil it.

"You can't divide users in to know-nothings and super hackers." You're right, you can't. but the 'average' people are still regarded as know-nothings generally for a good reason. I remember going to a Mandriva install party thing, we were there for like 3 hours and this old dude's like "wait, what's this mandriva thing? Whar's windows?". I nearly _CRIED_(ok not really, but a vain pulsed in my head). I don't know where you put this dude, i'd say 'average', because he at least found the power switch on his Windows box(or mebe he got his wife to do it, OR POSSIBLY HIS GRANDCHILDREN, who knows...), and managed to make his car start to get there.

"Another pro argument for the Pandora is that its software respects the privacy of the users(s). No personal user data is transferred to OP (as far as I know). In contrast to other Android and Apple devices. " Wait what? What did I miss? O yeah, you also reminded me, I wonder if Apple/Google would actually even attempt to fix an exploit in one of it's OSes? I think NOT(mebe google would, people who pretend to be pro would be on their tail if they didn't, possibly). I don't think anyone would even bother searching for one to exploit, the only person you'd end up owning is someone's grandma/children. Or people who watch hak5(lamers), where's the fun in that?

The final word I leave here, is that the OP team should stick to these people who DO know how to right click (and are used to using machines where this is possible :D :D :D ) and leave the dribbling morons till after we all have pandoras. And not just for my selfish advanced-user pride, but because THINGS WILL GET _DONE_ if the devs have pandoras (and i don't claim to be a leet dev, in fact i'm hardly a skilled programmer at all :P ). I think that's convinced the assembly, please place a *white stone* in the voting thing, thanks(historians will get the Ancient Greece joke/pun thing. Dammit why didn't you call the pandora the athena or soemthing :P (pandora is an awesome name, please don't change it :D )). And for those who say 'but the pandora is ugly! Ima buy an ipod/iphone/iPad' just really. Convert to lemmingianity and find your nearest cliff. Thanks. The pandora is a BEAUTIFUL console. At the very least, STFU and GTFO.

Sorry if you disagree with me, I respect that, but I am entitled to my opinion and would like to get some of my ideas out there, too. And sorry this is so long, and it's another whiney post :P Why can't I find a post to say 'good job' to? ima look in the Software Hacking forum :P . *sigh* Please don't ban me.
GNU/FSF/OSS/hackish culture ftw.
EDIT: "I would highlight the fact there's app store ...some people love an app store" ARGH. You're 100% right, and I don't know why, and I think it sucks. There goes that vain on my forehead again. i'm not mad at you Fzero, just the people that think like this and can still sleep at night! Actually I died a little on the inside when OP called it an app store. ugh, my hands feel like lead just typing it. Like Justin Bieber, it's ear/eye-rape.
EDIT2: "Straight up it is a handheld pocketable device that is a gaming device, UMPC, media player, etc. So basically, what we have in another version of the apple Itouch, only with physical controls right???? " ...So clearly we have an epic console! Why the hell would you want _anything_ else? Honestly, if that *real* keyboard and friggin' ANALOG STICKS don't entrance you at first sight, and you still prefer the iTouch my iTampon(failed joke ftw), you shouldn't be here.
EDIT3: I didn't multiquote because I quick-replied and cba hitting Ctrl-C, I had whining to do :D:D:D
I'm making a video about this, here is my script so far, suggestions about how to illustrate and make it better are welcome.

I know there are some hard hitting points in this, but this is war.


Why should you get a Pandora over another mainstream device?

Well there is more to this than some people might have you believe.

I'm assuming most of you drive, or bike, or skateboard, or maybe you unicycle. Anyway you're used to freedom with those things. You own them
you can do whatever you like with them.

But imagine a world where your cars manufacturer decided you could not drive it to certain places. They wanted to approve your journey first.
They might not even let you make the journey. And you can't question or disagree with them.

Sounds strange? You probably wouldn't buy a car like that. But this is in effect exactly what many large computer, console and phone manufacturers already do. They tell you what software you can and can't run, putting it though an approval system first.

You bought and own the device yet they still control how you use it.

We don't think this should be how it works.

You bought it, you paid for it, of course you should be able to do what you want with it, when did it ever become acceptable to stop you?

The Pandora goes against this strict control. It's a totally open device.

You can do with it what you want. We don't believe anyone has the right to tell you what you can and can't do with it. You want to port your Flash
player to it? You can. You want to run firefox? You can. You want to run emulators? You can. You want to hack the hardware? You can.

It's your Pandora.

But that's not only where we think things should change.

Everything is made in China right? The convenient communist slave nation.

Western nations hate the communist menace, well except when they can pay people a bowl of rice a day to assemble their electronics. What's
a few suicides when you get your device for $10 less?

We don't agree with this either. After personally witnessing the conditions of several Asian assembly plants we decided to build the Pandora in England. That's right, jolly old England - the country that used to be the manufacturing power house of the world.

Turns out we're still capable of building electronics here, and because we actually understand what the electronics are, we can build them better and faster with less people.

The Pandora is build by people who choose to do the work in 9-5 regular western working conditions being paid western wages.

And how did this work out for us? Did it all make the Pandora prohibitively expensive?

No. It's cheaper than its main competing devices and offers more functionality. Gaming controls, a QWERTY keyboard, two analogue nubs a high resolution touch screen and a genuine 10 hour average battery life.

We hope you will consider these facts when you choose to buy your next device, the Pandora project might be small now, but we can make big changes
to the industry if you support us.

Help us change the computer industry - support the Open Pandora project.

hi doublebeta!

you see, the pandora-plattform it self is flexible enough to serve more than one group:
the average user, the gamer and users like me, who want to USE the pandora in their everyday situation.
this means that I will use it in my office too, to provide information at my fingertipps, when needed (ie. in those 'popular' 6 hour meetings)

myluck, that I can configure the pandora for my needs.

but other can't but would surely pay for it. and that could be a big market...

Sounds ok, I'd cut out the China part, though. And the Flash player comment is a bit misleading, imo. This is meant to make a point against Apple, but saying "you" can port your Flash player is addressed at Adobe, while the video as a whole is addressed at the buyer.