I see well it looks like I am going to have to save a lot of money then and wait for a change in dollars to euro that benefit me to get one.
A real part time job is out of the question, but I could go shovel snow when it snows but I have no snow as of now. Oh no that may be a problem but hopefully it will have no impact on the prices if the pandoras are all built which they probably will be by the time I buy it.Part time job out of the question? Where do you live, there is probably quite a bit of snow falling on a large part of the planet right now
Unfortunately I think the price for a Pandora might go up if the Euro vs USD ratio drops, I think many of the parts are bought with USD, but since the team is holding onto euros, that can pose a problem.
Another option is to get an icontrolpad and an android phone. Similar to Pandora controls, but with upgradable hardware!
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which is available on the iOS appstore, and highly recommend anyone owning an iDevice to purchase and support our great wermy, and of course the app works great with iCP. the game is another a different name though to prevent licensing issues, the names slipping my mind right now because i have music blasting out of my headphones thoughBut if you do that, you miss out on Super Geometry Dust.