Expect the new version of snes9xgp soon!

kraahl posted on Aug 24 2003 said:
I hope the sound emulation is better, I tried on the old version FF6 and it sounded like crap.

Could we expect fullspeed with sound at FS 4-5? I just want those RPGs.
We should get full speed with sound on frameskip 4-6.
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I feel dissapointed, he was talking earlier like it was going to be full speed with fs2-3 with sound on. Now it's more like fs4-6 also he has to release the source code no matter what.
This will not be good for intelectos reputation, we will probably go down in the history of the G32 as "the one who didn´t finish that snes emulator and refused to release sources" instead of "that amazing guy who opened the door to full speed snes emulation"
Pffft the thing is this emu has amde it so far but the authour is so self centered he wont let the community who he originally made it for try and optimise it. Also the only reason he actually developed it further was for the gpspain contest so he could win money :rolleyes: .
It's not illegal, the snes9x license forces improvements to the source base to be released I believe, but not ports. Still, on a moral and common sense level he should really release the source; I believe his code must be in a bad state so he doesn't want the embarassment. He damn well knows there are coders capable of improving it.

I still believe full speed is possible, with work and patience. In particular teamwork...
I am still happy that we are getting the next version of snes9xgp, even if it isn't full speed with sound on fs 3. We'll probably get a snes emu that is full speed with sound on frameskip 3 from yoyofr.
Played chrono triger on the PC :D > Loved chrono triger > Chrono triger on pc bored me because i had to start up the pc every time and stuff > Heard about a NES Emulator for the GBA > Looked for a Snes emulator for GBA > found GP32 with a port of the emulator i use on the pc

Thank Chrono triger :D :D :D :D

I hope to play chrono triger asap :D Let snes9x come Please please :D :D D :D
Maybe the next version will be full speed with sound on fs 3. Maybe that version on gp32news isn't the latest one that intellecto has.
Nice to see everyone being so polite about someone who's obviously put a lot of effort into making something, free of charge, for others. Again. So what if he doesn't want to release the source?

Seems there is a growing number of self-centred people on the "scene" of late...
taras posted on Aug 24 2003 said:
Nice to see everyone being so polite about someone who's obviously put a lot of effort into making something, free of charge, for others. Again. So what if he doesn't want to release the source?

Seems there is a growing number of self-centred people on the "scene" of late...
I don't mind that much that the source code isn't going to be released. The next version is still going to be pretty fast so I'll be happy. Plus, we can still count on yoyo to get us perfect snes emulation.
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From GP32Spain:

According to they say, the new version of the emulator is prepared and ready to become public, but the programmer is hoping to that its participation in the aid of emulation of GP32Spain announces publicly.
I am to the delay of its email of participation in the aid to make it public, so you are kind, with luck today we will have new emu of Snes...
Azure posted on Aug 24 2003 said:
kraahl posted on Aug 24 2003 said:
I hope the sound emulation is better, I tried on the old version FF6 and it sounded like crap.

Could we expect fullspeed with sound at FS 4-5? I just want those RPGs.
We should get full speed with sound on frameskip 4-6.

FS 4-6 with sound on ??

It will be like watching a damn slideshow. A complete waste of time, IMO.
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It's faster than the previous version. It should be perfect for RPGs. And when it said that it was full speed without sound on gp32news, maybe they were only testing the beta of the final version.
I don't know why it is delayed to make sure that it is announced publically. It will automatically become announced publically when he sends it to the contest.
i don't like what is happening to this scene.
what should be a fun hobby is becoming a lot of bashing and ranting.
"i'm so disappointed, the author sucks, let's take him to court.. wahh wahh wahhhh"

man! no wonder some of the more prolific emu authors have had stunted release schedules lately... it's a shame, hopefully things will turn around across the board.

(more releases + a kinder, more supportive communtiy)

and now I am complaining about complaining